Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/95

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PROCLAMATIONS CAPTURE OF PRIZES BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA January 30, 1943 [No. 2575] A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the act of August 18, 1942, Public Law 704, 77th 56 Stat. 746. 50 U. S. C., Supp. Congress, contains in part the following provisions: 1, app. §§ 821-828 . "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of all prizes captured during the present war on the high seas if said capture was made by authority of the United States or was adopted and ratified by the President of the United States and the prize was brought into the territorial waters of a cobelligerent or was taken or appro- priated for the use of the United States on the high seas or in such territorial waters, including jurisdiction of all proceedings for the condemnation of such property taken as prize.

"SEC. 3. The jurisdiction of prizes brought into the territorial waters of a cobelligerent shall not be exercised under authority of this Act, nor shall prizes be taken or appropriated within such territorial waters for the use of the United States, unless the government having jurisdiction over such territorial waters con- sents to the exercise of such jurisdiction or to such taking or appropriation.

"SEC. 7. A cobelligerent of the United States which consents to the exercise of the jurisdiction herein conferred with respect to prizes of the United States brought into its territorial waters and to the taking or appropriation of such prizes within its terri- torial waters for the use of the United States shall be accorded, upon proclamation by the President of the United States, like privileges with respect to prizes captured under authority of such cobelligerent and brought into the territorial waters of the United States or taken or appropriated in the territorial waters of the United States for the use of such cobelligerent. Reciprocal recognition and full faith and credit shall be given to the juris- diction acquired by courts of a cobelligerent hereunder and to all proceedings had or judgments rendered in exercise of such jurisdiction." WHEREAS the Government of the United Kingdom, a cobellig- erent, has consented to the exercise of the jurisdiction conferred by the said act with respect to prizes of the United States brought into the territorial waters of the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone and to the taking or appropriation of such prizes within the territorial waters of the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone for the use of the United States: 729