78TH CONG., 2D SESS.- CH. 371-JULY 1, 1944 681 settled upon the basis of any date of death so fixed which is later than that used as a basis for prior settlement. Determinations are authorized to be made by the head of the department concerned, or by such subordinate as he may designate, of entitlement of any per- son, under provisions of this Act, to pay and allowances, including credits and charges in his account, and all such determinations shall be conclusive: Provided, That no such account shall be charged or debited with any amount that any person in the lands of an enemy may receive or be entitled to receive from, or have placed to his credit by, such enemy as pay, wages, allowances, or other compensa- tion: Provided fwrther, That where the account of any person has been charged or debited with allotments paid pursuant to this Act any amount so charged or debited shall be recredited to such per- son's account in any case in which it is determined by the head of the department concerned, or such subordinate as he may designate, that payment of such amount was induced by fraud or misrepresenta- tion to which such person was not a party. When circumstances warrant reconsideration of any determination authorized to be made by this Act the head of the department concerned, or such subordinate as he may designate, may change or modify a previous determina- tion. Excepting allotments for unearned insurance premiums, any allotments paid from pay and allowances of any person for the period of the person's entitlement under the provisions of section 2 of this Act to receive or have credited such pay and allowances shall not be subject to collection from the allottee as overpayments when payment thereof has been occasioned by delay in receipt of evidence of death, and any allotment payments for periods subsequent to the termination, under this Act or otherwise, of entitlement to pay and allowances, the payment of which has been occasioned by delay in receipt of evidence of death, shall not be subject to collection from the allottee or charged against the pay of the deceased person. The head of the department concerned, or such subordinate as he may designate, may waive the recovery of erroneous payments or over- payments of allotments to dependents when recovery is deemed to be against equity and good conscience. In the settlement of the accounts of any disbursing officer credit shall be allowed for any erroneous payment or overpayment made by him in carrying out the provisions of this Act, except sections 13, 16, 17, and 18, in the absence of fraud or criminality on the part of the disbursing officer involved, and no recovery shall be made from any officer or employee authorizing any payment under such provisions in the absence of fraud or criminality on his part." SEC. 6 . That section 10 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 10. The determination of the fact of dependency under the provisions of this Act, the determination of the fact of dependency for the purpose of payment of all six months' death gratuities as authorized by law, and the determination of the fact of dependency under the provisions of any and all other laws providing for the payment of pay, allowances, or other emoluments to enlisted personnel in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard of the United States where such payments are contingent upon dependency, shall be made by the head of the department concerned, or by such subordinate as he may designate, and any such determination so made shall be final and conclusive." SEC. 7 . That such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof a new section to read as follows: "SEC. 19. This Act may be cited as the 'Missing Persons Act'." SC. 8 . The foregoing amendments to such Act shall be effective in all respects as provided in section 15 of the Act of March , 1942 Pay and allowances. Recredits. Reconsideration. Allotments from pay and allowances. Ante, p. 679. Waiver of recovery of erroneous pay- ments. 86 Stat. 146-148. 0U.. .Supp. 101 1018. 6 Stat. 145. Determination dependency. ad short title. Effectve date aad duratin. 58 STAT.]