PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 82-MAY 26, 1947 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORPORATION Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation: For an additional amount, 60 stat. 93 fiscal year 1947, for administrative expenses, $300,000, payable from the funds of the Corporation. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATOR OF CIVIL AERONAUTICS 60 tat. 467. Maintenance and operation of air navigation facilities: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Maintenance and operation of air navigation facilities", $20,000. 60 Stat. 468 . Maintenance and operation, Washington National Airport: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Maintenance and operation, Washington National Airport," $40,000, to be used for the dredging of the Washington National Airport channel. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Civil Aeronautics Board, salaries and expenses: The limitation on 60 Stat. 469. the amount for cost of penalty mail, fiscal year 1947, is hereby increased from "$4,500" to "$6,000." COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Salaries and expenses, departmental: For an additional amount, 60 Stat.469. fiscal year 1947, for "Salaries and expenses, departmental," $140,000, and the limitation upon the amount which may be expended for per- sonal services is hereby increased from "$2,700,000" to "$2,840,000". Pay, commissioned officers: For an additional amount, fiscal year 60 Stat. 470. 1947, for "Pay, commissioned officers", $150,000. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 60 Stat. 1100. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Revested Oregon and California Railroad and reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Oregon: For an additional amount, fiscal 60 tat. 33. year 1947, for "Revested Oregon and California Railroad and recon- veyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Oregon", $18,000. 0oStat. 353. UREAU\ OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Education of Indians: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Education of Indians", $250,000. Conservation of health: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Conservation of health", $500,000. Payment to Milton A. Johnson: For deposit by the Secretary of the Treasury to the official trust fund checking account of the special disbursing agent, Yakima Indian Agency, Toppenish, Washington, and for deposit to certain other accounts pursuant to the Act of tat. 1310 . August 7, 1946 (Private Law 863), $2,119.34. MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN TRIBAL FUNDS Relief of needy Indians (tribal funds): For an additional amount, 60 Stat. 361. fiscal year 1947, for "Relief of needy Indians (tribal funds)", $50,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the particular tribe Availability of sur- interested: Provided, That surplus potatoes purchased by the Com- modity Credit Corporation of the Department of Agriculture may be made available to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for seed and for the relief of needy Indians and that any funds appropriated for the welfare [61 STAT.