61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 112, 113-JUNE 21, 1947 [CHAPTER 112] AN ACT To amend the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended, so as to extend the benefits of such Act to the Official Reporters of Debates in the Senate and persons employed by them in connection with the performance of their duties as such reporters. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 (a) of the Civil Service Retirement Act, approved May 29, 1930, as amended, is amended by adding at the end of such subsection the following: "For the purposes of this Act, the Official Reporters of the proceed- ings and debates of the Senate and persons employed by them in con- nection with the performance of their duties as such reporters shall be deemed to be officers or employees in or under the legislative branch of the Government, and service heretofore or hereafter renderd as an Official Reporter of Debates of the Senate or as a person employed by the Official Reporters of Debates of the Senate in connection with the performance of their duties as such reporters shall be deemed to be service as an officer or employee in or under the legislative branch of the Government. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any such Official Reporter or person employed by them until he gives notice in writing to the said Official Reporters of his desire to come within the purview of this Act. In the case of any such Official Reporter or person employed by them who is in service on the date of enactment of this subsection, such notice of desire to come within the purview of this Act must be given within six months after such date. In the case of any such Official Reporter or person employed by them who enters the service subsequent to the date of enactment of this subsection, such notice of desire to come within the purview of this Act must be given within six months after the date of such entrance into the service. No provision of this or any other Act relating to automatic separation from the service shall be applicable to any such Official Reporter or person employed by them." Approved June 21, 1947. CHAPTER 113] AN ACT To grant to the Arthur Alexander Post Numbered 68, The American Legion, of Belzoni, Mississippi, all of the reversionary interest reserved to the United States in lands conveyed to said post pursuant to Act of Congress approved June 29, 1938. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the reversion- ary interest reserved to the United States in the lands and improve- ments comprising the site of lock and dam numbered 1 on the Big Sunflower River, Mississippi, conveyed to the Arthur Alexander Post Numbered 68, The American Legion, of Belzoni, Mississippi, pursuant to Act of Congress, approved June 29, 1938 (52 Stat. 1230), is hereby relinquished and granted to said Arthur Alexander Post Numbered 68, which is hereby authorized to sell, convey, and alienate such prop- erty subject only to the perpetual right of the United States of America to flood such part of such land as may be necessary from time to time in the interest of flood control or navigation. Approved June 21, 1947. 135 June 21, 1947 [S. 126] [Public Law 98] 46 Stat. 470. 5U.S.c. §693(a). Extension of retire- ment act to Official Reporters of debates of Senate. June 21, 1047 [11. It. 14121 [Public Law 991