PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 186-JULY 1, 1947 continue the performance of such functions for such non-Federal agencies where such functions are to be discontinued by the agency from which the warehousing function has been transferred, and the receipts, including surcharge, for all issues to and all advances by all non-Federal agencies shall be credited to the general supply fund: Payment for sup. Provided further, That payments to the general supply fund for plies, services, etc. materials, and supplies (including fuel), and services, and overhead expenses for all issues shall be made on the books of the Treasury Department by transfer and counterwarrants prepared by the Bureau of Federal Supply of the Treasury Department and countersigned by the Comptroller General, such warrants to be based solely on itemized invoices prepared by the Bureau of Federal Supply at issue prices to Transactions with be fixed by the Director of Federal Supply: Provided further, That field offices of other Sovernment agencies. payments covering transactions between the Bureau of Federal Supply and field offices of other Government agencies whose detailed appro- priation or fund accounts are maintained elsewhere than within the District of Columbia, may be made on the basis of itemized vouchers or invoices prepared by the Bureau of Federal Supply and sent through the appropriate field offices to the disbursing officers for the agencies involved, who are hereby authorized to make payment based (1) upon certification of the Bureau of Federal Supply, which shall include the specific statement that the vouchers are issued pursuant to and in con- formity with purchase orders or requisitions duly executed by the agency billed, and (2) upon approval and certification of such vouchers by the agency billed, which action shall be based upon acceptance of the Bureau of Federal Supply certification as made, subject to later adjustment if necessary, the responsibility of the certifying officer to be limited to the availability of the funds to be charged: Providedfur- Standard forms and ther, That the general supply fund may be used to purchase from or field warehouses, through the Public Printer standard forms and blank-book work for field warehouse stocking and issue, but issues thereof shall be made only to Government agencies and shall be chargeable to applicable appropriation authorizations or limitations of such agencies for print- ing and binding, and reports of such issues shall be made as the Public Crediting of ad- Printer may require: Provided further, That advances received pur- vances. 47Stat. 417. suant to law (31 U. S . C. 686) from departments and establishments of the United States Government and the government of the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1948 shall be credited to the general Personal services. supply fund: Provided further,That during the fiscal year 1948 there shall be available from the general supply fund for personal services in the District of Columbia not to exceed $1,520,000: Providedfurther, Peteiardemployees That per diem employees engaged in work in connection with opera- tions of the fuel yards may be paid rates of pay approved by the Secre- tary of the Treasury not exceeding current rates for similar services " Fuel." in the District of Columbia: Provided further, That the term "fuel" Reconditioning of shall be held to include "fuel oil": Providedfurther, That the recon- ditioning and repair of surplus property and equipment for disposition or reissue to Government service, may be made at cost by the Bureau of Federal Supply, payment therefor to be effected by charging the proper appropriation and crediting the general supply fund. Typewriting ma- Repairs to typewriting machines (except bookkeeping and billing machines) in the Government service in the District of Columbia and areas adjacent thereto may be made at cost by the Bureau of Federal Supply, payment therefor to be effected by charging the proper appro- priation and crediting the general supply fund. Purchase prices. No part of any money appropriated by this or any other Act shall be used during the fiscal year 1948 for the purchase, within the conti- nental limits of the United States, of any standard typewriting machines (except bookkeeping, billing, and electric machines) at a 224 [61 STAT.