61 STAT.] 80rH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 207-JULY 7, 1947 247 MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMISSION SEC. 3 . (a) NUMBER AND APPOINTMENT.-The Commission shall be composed of twelve members as follows: (1) Four appointed by the President of the United States, two from the executive branch of the Government and two from private life; (2) Four appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, two from the Senate and two from private life; and (3) Four appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives, two from the House of Representatives and two from private life. (b) POLITICAL AFFILIATION. - Of each class of two members men- tioned in subsection (a), not more than one member shall be from each of the two major political parties. (c) VACANCIES.-Any vacancy in the Commission shall not affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMISSION SEC. 4. The Commission shall elect a Chairman and a Vice Chair- man from among its members. QUORUM SEC. 5. Seven members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION SEC. 6. (a) MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.- Members of Congress who are members of the Commission shall serve without compensation in addition to that received for their services as Members of Congress; but they shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other neces- sary expenses incurred by them in the performance of the duties vested in the Commission. (b) MEMBERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH.-The members of the Commission who are in the executive branch of the Government shall each receive the compensation which he would receive if he were not a member of the Commission, plus such additional compensation, if any (notwithstanding section 6 of the Act of May 10, 1916, as amended; 39 Stat. 582; 5 U. S. C . 58), as is necessary to make his aggregate salary $12,500; and they shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of the duties vested in the Commission. (c) MEMBERS FROM PRIVATE LIFE. -The members from private life shall each receive $50 per diem when engaged in the performance of duties vested in the Commission, plus reimbursement for travel, sub- sistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the perform- ance of such duties. STAFF OF THE COMMISSION SEC. 7. The Commission shall have power to appoint and fix the com- Pot P-9- pensation of such personnel as it deems advisable, in accordance with the provisions of the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 42 tat.148S. 1923, as amended. EXPENSES OF THE COMMISSION SEC. 8 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any IthoAtedo a a. money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, so much as may be Po. p . w. necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.