PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 211 --JULY 9, 1947 46 Stat. 737. of the Tariff Act of 1930, $4,515,000: Provided, That this appropria- 19U. S.. tion shall be available for the salaries-of all United States justices and circuit and district judges lawfully entitled thereto whether active or retired. Salaries of clerks of courts: For salaries of clerks of United States circuit courts of appeals and United States district courts, their deputies, and other assistants, $3,631,295. Clerks' onfoeo No part of any appropriation in this Act shall be used to pay the funds. cost of maintaining an office of the clerk of the United States District Court at Anniston, Alabama; Florence, Alabama; Jasper, Alabama; Gadsden, Alabama; Grand Junction, Colorado; Montrose, Colorado; Durango, Colorado; Sterling, Colorado; Newnan, Georgia; Benton, Illinois; Salina, Kansas; Chillicothe, Missouri; Roswell, New Mexico; Bryson City, North Carolina; Shelby, North Carolina; Ard- more, Oklahoma; Guthrie, Oklahoma; Aberdeen, South Dakota; Pierre, South Dakota; Deadwood, South Dakota; Ogden, Utah; Detif emplyees. Casper, Wyoming; Evanston, Wyoming; or Lander, Wyoming; but this paragraph shall not be so construed as to prevent the detail during sessions of court of such employees as may be necessary from other offices to the offices named herein. Probation system, United States courts: For salaries of probation 46 Stat. 6t. officers and their clerical assistants, as authorized by the Act approved of ApPitonmoteetc. June 6, 1930 (18 U. S . C . 726), $1,650,000: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to abridge the right of the district judges to appoint probation officers, or to make such orders as may be ureto ca necessary to govern probation officers in their own courts: Provided Attorney eneral further That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the orers. salary or expenses of any probation officer who, in the judgment of the senior or presiding judge certified to the Attorney General, fails to carry out the officia orders of the Attorney General with respect to supervising or furnishing information concerning any prisoner released conditionally or on parole from any Federal penal or correc- tional institution. 58 StaC 19. Salaries of criers: For salaries of criers as authorized by the Act 36 Stat. i3 7; of December 7, 1944 (Public Law 468), and Acts of March 3, 1911, and March 3, 1891, as amended (28 U. S. C. 224 and 547), $320,000. Fees of commissioners: For fees of the United States commissioners and other committing magistrates acting under section 1014, Revised Statutes (18 U. S. C. 591), including fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners, United States courts, including tie objects and subject to the conditions specified for such fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1937, $475,000. Fees of jurors: For mileage and per diems of jurors; meals and lodging for jurors when ordered by the court, and meals and lodging for jurors in Alaska, as provided by section 193, title II, of the Act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. 362); and compensation for jury commis- sioners, $5 per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of Juryoonmmidone court; $1,400,000: Provided, That the compensation of jury commis- Stat. 8 sioners for the District of Columbia shall conform to the provisions tat - 68 of section 1401, title 11 of the District of Columbia Code, but such compensation shall not exceed $250 each per annum. Miscellaneous salaries: For salaries of allofficials and employees of the Federal judiciary, not otherwise specifically provded for, $1,800,000: Proded, That the compensation of secretaries and law clerks of circuit and district udges (exclusive of any additional com- 5ustci96o9 l et . . pensation under the Federas Employees Pay Act of 1945 and any PO, p. m. other Acts of similar purport subsequently enacted) shall be fixed by 304 [61 STAT.