PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 262-JULY 17, 1947 Post, pp . 611, 696. 56 Stat. 750 . 40U.8. C. §174f- 174j. 69 Stat. 295; 60 Stat. 216. 5U.S.C.§901et seq. Post, p . 727. Post, p. 94. Post, p. M66. 59 Stat. 295; 60 Stat. 216. s U.S. . 901 et seq. Post, p. 727. Post, p. 611. Materials for folding: For materials for folding, $1,500. Fuel, and so forth: For fuel, oil, cotton waste, and advertising, exclusive of labor, $2,000. Senate restaurants: For payment to the Architect of the Capitol in accordance with the Act approved September 9, 1942 (Public Law 709, Seventy-seventh Congress), $45,000. Motor vehicles: For maintaining, exchanging, and equipping motor vehicles for carrying the mails and for official use of the offices of the Secretary and Sergeant at Arms, $9,560. Miscellaneous items: For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, $626,765. Packing boxes: For packing boxes, $3,000. Postage stamps: For office of Secretary, $350; office of Sergeant at Arms, $150; in all, $500. Air-mail and special-delivery stamps: For air-mail and special- delivery stamps for Senators and the President of the Senate as authorized by law, $10,250. Stationery: For stationery for Senators and for the President pro tempore of the Senate, including $7,500 for stationery for committees and offices of the Senate, $46,300. Rent: For rent of warehouse for storage of public documents from July 1 to November 30, 1947, $2,645. Salaries or wages paid out of the foregoing items under "Contingent expenses of the Senate" shall be computed at basic rates as authorized by law, plus increased and additional compensation as provided by the "Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945", as amended by the "Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946". HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SALARIES, MILEAGE, AND EXPENSES OF MEMBERS For compensation of Members of the House of Representatives, Delegates from Territories, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, $5,482,500. For mileage and expense allowance of Members of the House of Representatives, Delegates from Territories, and the Resident Com- missioner from Puerto Rico, as authorized by law, $1,266,000. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES For compensation of officers and employees, as authorized by law, including increased and additional compensation provided by the "Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945", as amended by the "Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946", as follows: OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER For Office of the Speaker, $38,000. THE SPEAKER'S TABLE For the Speaker's table, including $1,000 for preparing Digest of the Rules, $24,120: Provided, That the salary of the Assistant Parlia- mentarian shall be at the basic rate of $4,000 and $3,000 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent. CHAPLAIN For the Chaplain, $3,750. [61 STAT.