61 STAT.] 80TH )ONG. ,1ST SESS.-CHS. 299-301 -JULY 23, 1947 be suitable for such transfer. All lands so added to and made a part of the Angostura unit shall thereafter be subject to all laws applicable to agricultural lands acquired under the provisions of section 5 (a) of the Act of August 11, 1939, as amended (16 U. S. C. 590z-3 (a)); the costs incurred by the United States in acquiring such lands, as well as the costs incurred in the improvement thereof for irrigation purposes, shall be returned in the same manner as though such lands had been acquired under the provisions of said section 5 (a). Approved July 23, 1947. [CHAPTER 300] AN ACT To provide secretaries for circuit and district judges. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That each circuit judge and each district judge may appoint a secretary, and each senior circuit judge and each senior district judge in districts having five or more district judges may also appoint an assistant secretary, who shall, subject to appropriations to be made by the Congress, receive compensation to be fixed from time to time by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States courts and shall be reimbursed for their actual traveling expenses and expenses incurred for subsistence, within the limitations prescribed by law, when necessarily absent from their designated posts of duty on official business. SEC. 2 . Within the meaning of this Act the District of Columbia shall be deemed to be both a circuit and a district, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia a circuit court of appeals, and the chief justice and associate justices of that court the senior circuit judge and circuit judges thereof, and the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia a district court, and the chief justice and associate justices of that court the senior district judge and district judges thereof. Approved July 23, 1947. [CHAPTER 301] ACT AN ACT To integrate certain personnel of the former Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation and the Bureau of Customs into the Regular Coast Guard, to establish the permanent commissioned personnel strength of the Coast Guard, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the total number of commissioned officers, including permanent, tempo- rary, temporary service, and Reserve officers on active duty, and exclud- ing chief warrant officers, on the active list of the Coast Guard shall not exceed two thousand two hundred and fifty. Included in this number shall be the sixty-one extra numbers in rank which under existing law operate to increase the authorized number of line officers upon separation or retirement of the person holding that number, the five professors authorized by existing law who shall not be considered as extra numbers in rank, and the extra numbers in rank authorized by this Act. The commissioned officers shall be distributed in the ranks of rear admiral, captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant, lieutenant (junior grade), and ensign in the same percentages as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by statute for the Navy. To determine the authorized July 23, 1947 [H. R. 2746] [Public Law 2181 Compensation; ex- penses. District of Colum- bia. July 23. 1947 [H. R. 34941 [Public Law 219J Coast Guard. Authorized number of officers. Distribution. Computation. 409 54 Stat. 1122.