61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 324-JULY 25, 1947 Section 6 of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act, approved May 10, 1916, as amended, shall not apply from July 1 to September 15, 1947, to teachers of the public schools of the District of Columbia when employed by any of the executive departments or independent establishments of the United States Government. No part of the appropriations herein made for the public schools of the District of Columbia shall be used for the free instruction of pupils who dwell outside the District of Columbia: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to pupils who are enrolled in the schools of the District of Columbia on the date of the approval of this Act. PUBLIC LIBRARY For expenses necessary for the operation of the Public Library, including extra services on Sundays and holidays; newspapers, books, periodicals, and other printed material, including payment in advance for subscription thereto; music records, sound recordings, and educa- tional films; alterations, repairs; fitting up buildings; care of grounds; and rent of suitable quarters for branch libraries in Anacostia, Chevy Chase, and Woodridge; $1,154,600: Provided, That the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the librarian of the Public Library, upon requisition previously approved by the Auditor of the District of Columbia, not exceeding $50 at the first of each month, for the purchase of certain books, pamphlets, peri- odicals, or newspapers, or other printed material. The unexpended balances of the amounts made available by the Dis- trict of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1940, for the preparation of plans and specifications for the new central building of the Public Library of the District of Columbia shall remain available for the same purposes and under the same conditions and limitations until June 30, 1948. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Operating expenses: For expenses necessary for operation and main- tenance of recreation facilities in and for the District of Columbia, $1,055,300. Capital outlay: For improvement of various recreation units, includ- ing erection of recreation structures, preparation of architectural and landscape architectural plans, and reimbursement to the United States of funds advanced in compliance with section 501 of the Act of October 3, 1944 (58 Stat. 791), $220,500. METROPOLITAN POLICE For expenses necessary for the Metropolitan Police, including pay and allowances; one inspector who shall be property clerk; the present acting sergeant in charge of police automobiles with the rank and pay of sergeant; the present acting sergeant in charge of the police radio station with the rank and pay of lieutenant; the present sergeant in charge of purchasing and accounts with the rank and pay of lieu- tenant; corporals at $2,600 per annum each; technicians with basic salary increase of $240 per annum each; not to exceed four detectives in the salary grade of captain; probational detectives with basic salary increase of $120 per annum each; allowances for privately owned auto- mobiles used by inspectors in the performance of official duties at not to exceed $480 per annum for each automobile; meals for prisoners; rewards for fugitives; medals of award; photographs; rental and maintenance of teletype system; travel expenses incurred in preven- tion and detection of crime; $3,000 for expenses of attendance, without loss of pay or time, at specialized police training classes and pistol 95347°--48-pt. 1 28 433 Double salaries. 39 Stat. 120 . 5U.S.C.§§58,59. Free instruction of pupils outside D. C . Ante, p. 244. 53 Stat. 1011 . Ante, p. 244 . 50U.S.C.app. § 1671. Ante, p. 311 . Ante, p. 244 . Technicians.