472 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 337-JULY 25, 1947 [61 STAT. above referred to which may be destroyed or rendered unserviceable by fire, flood, or storm: Provided, That any diversions of appropriations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget. Supplies, etc. Appropriations herein made for reservation administration, educa- tion of Indians, and conservation of health among Indians shall be available for the purchase of supplies, materials, and repair parts, for storage in and distribution from central warehouses, garages, and shops, and for the maintenance and operation of such warehouses, garages, and shops, and said appropriations shall be reimbursed for services rendered or supplies furnished by such warehouses, garages, or shops to any activity of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Travel expenses, etc. Appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for travel expenses and the purchase of ice for official use of employees. Aircraft. The following appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for hire, maintenance, and operation of air- craft: "Management, Indian forest and range resources"; "Suppress- ing forest and range fires"; "Alaska native service"; and "Salaries and expenses, reservation administration". BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 32 Stat. 388. 43 U. S. C. §5391, 411. Vehicles. 60 Stat. 810. 5U.S.C. 55a. Property damages. Rewards. Restriction. Administrative provisions: Sums appropriated in this Act for the Bureau of Reclamation shall be available for all expenditures authorized by the Act of June 17, 1902, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, known as the reclamation law, and all other Acts under which expenditures are authorized, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia; disseminating useful information, photographing and making photographic prints, and completing and distributing material, including recordings; exam- ination of estimates for appropriations in the field; refunds of overcollections and deposits for other purposes; lithographing; engraving; printing and binding; purchase of not to exceed four hundred in fiscal year 1948, and hire of passenger motor vehicles; acquisition (not to exceed five in fiscal year 1948 from any disposal agency of the Government without reimbursement or transfer of funds), hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft; services as authorized by Section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600); for payment of claims for damage to or loss of property, personal injury, or death, arising out of the survey, construction, operation or maintenance of works by the Bureau of Reclamation- payment for official telephone service in the field hereafter incurred in case of official telephones installed in private houses when author- ized under regulations established by the Secretary; payment of rewards, when specifically authorized by the Secretary, for informa- tion leading to the apprehension and conviction of persons found guilty of the theft, damage, or destruction of public property: Pro- ided, That no part of any sum provided for m this Act for opera- tion and maintenance of any project or division of a project by the Bureau of Reclamation shall be used for the irrigation of any lands within the boundaries of an irrigation district which has contracted with the Bureau of Reclamation and is in arrears for more than twelve months in the payment of any charges due the United States, and no part of any sum provided for in this Act for such purpose shall be used for the irrigation of any lands which have contracted with the Bureau of Reclamation and are in arrears for more than twelve months in the payment of any charges due from said lands to the United States.