PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30 -MAR . 31, 1947 twelve thousand five hundred tons of refined sugar during the period from the date of the enactment of this Act to and includ- ing June 30, 1947, and not less than twelve thousand five hundred tons of refined sugar during the period from July 1, 1947, to and including October 31, 1947, to provide for the needs of hardship cases, for the needs of new industrial-sugar users (with particular reference to the needs of shortage areas caused by population shifts) and for the needs of those who have an insufficient base period history to operate currently at competitive levels (and shall consider, as a determining factor in those cases where there is such insufficient base period history, the rate of growth of such user prior to the base period year). Removalofcontrols. SEC. 2 . Prior to the expiration of the authority granted by this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized and directed to remove any or all controls with respect to any product over which control is authorized by this Act when he determines that the supplies of sugar are sufficient to warrant such action. Transfer of mc- SEC. 3. (a) The powers, functions, and duties of (1) the President tary of grcuture under title III of the Second War Powers Act, 1942, and the amend- a7147; Sta s t at ment to existing law made thereby; (2) the President or any executive §506u. 701. 0la department under section 6 of the Act of July 2, 1940; (3) the Price 961-971. Administrator under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942; and 21At,3p.25;,P4 pp. (4) the President and the Price Administrator under the Stabilization Act of 1942, all as amended and extended (and irrespective of what officer, department, or agency may be now exercising any such power, function, or duty) are, insofar as they relate to sugar, hereby trans- ferred to and shall be executed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Continuation of or- (b) Every order, directive, rule or regulation relating to any power, function, or duty transferred by subsection (a) of this section, issued by any officer, department, or agency heretofore performing such power, function, or duty, which is not in conflict with the provisions of this Act and which is in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, shall continue in full force and effect, according to its terms, unless and until modified or rescinded by the Secretary of Agriculture. Transfer of funds, (c) So much of the unexpended balances of appropriations, alloca- tions, or other funds, and the property. available for the use of any officer, department, or agency in the exercise of any power, function, or duty transferred by subsection (a) of this section or for the use of the Secretary of Agriculture in the exercise of any power, function, or duty so transferred, as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine, shall be transferred for use in connection with the Liquidation ofobli- exercise of such powers, functions, or duties. In determining the amount to be transferred, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget may include an amount to provide for the liquidation of obligations incurred against such balances of appropriations, allocations, or other Teporay trasfer funds prior to the transfer. Such personnel as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget determines to be required may also be trans- ferred temporarily to the Department of Agriculture pending termi- nation of the powers, functions, and duties transferred by subsection (a) of this section. The annual and sick leave of personnel so trans- t erred shall be transferred with them; and they shall be entitled to 5U8S. C9 3. the benefits of section 14 of the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944 to Po. P.r7s the same extent and effect as though they had remained employees of the agency from which transferred until the termination of such powers, functions, and duties. Any personnel so transferred shall not, by virtue of their temporary employment in the Department of Agriculture, acquire or be entitled to any right to employment in such Department in connection with the exercise of any power, function, or 36 [61 STAT.