61 STAT.] SOTH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 358, 359-JULY 30, 1947 not be construed as affecting the existing authority of any Government corporation to make contracts or other commitments without reference to fiscal year limitations." SEC. 3(V. This Act may be cited as "The Government Corporations shorttitle. Appropriation Act, 1948". Approved July 30, 1947. [CHAPTER 359] AN ACT Making appropriations for the Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, namely: July 30, 1947 [H. R . 3839] [Public Law 269] Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1948. Ante, pp. 118, 187, 188, 244 , 245, 361; post, pp. 607, 608, 609, 612, 696, 697. TITLE I EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COMPENSATION OF THE PRESIDENT For compensation of the President of the United States, $75,000. THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE Salaries and expenses: For expenses necessary for The White House Office, including compensation of the Secretary to the Presi- dent, the two additional secretaries to the President and the six administrative assistants to the President at $10,000 each, and other personal services in the District of Columbia; not to exceed $2,000 for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail as required by the Act of June 28, 1944; automobiles; printing and binding; and travel and official entertainment expenses of the Presi- dent, to be accounted for on his certificate solely, $952,500: Provided, That employees of the departments and independent offices of the executive branch of the Government may be detailed from time to time to The White House Office for temporary assistance. EMERGENCY FUND FOR THE PRESIDENT For expenses necessary to provide additional assistance to the President and to enable him, through such agents or agencies of the Government as he shall designate, to provide for emergencies affecting the national interest or security, without regard to such provisions of law regulating the expenditure of Government funds or the employ- ment of persons in the Government service as he shall specify, $500,000, of which not to exceed $70,000 may be allocated for the President's Amnesty Board, and of which $100,000 may, when authorized by the President, be expended for objects of a confidential nature and in any such case the certificate of the expending agency as to the amount of the expenditure and that it is deemed inadvisable to specify the nature thereof shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended: Provided, That no part of such fund shall be available for allocation to finance a function or project for which function or project a budget estimate of appropriation was 68 Stat. 394. 39 U.S .S . . 3210- 321h. Ants, p. 450 . Temporary als ls ance. Additional assist- ance. Amnesty Board. Objects of confi- dential nature. Restriction. 585