61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 361-JULY 30, 1947 JOINT COMMrrIEE ON LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS Contingent expenses Senate: For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Labor-Management Relations created by section 401 of the Labor Management Relations Act 1947 (Public Law 101, Eightieth Congress), $100,000. TEMPORARY CONGRESSIONAL AVIATION POLuc BOARD For salaries and expenses of the Temporary Congressional Aviation Policy Board created by the Act to establish a National Aviation Council, and for other purposes, to be available until March 1, 1948, and to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate on vouchers approved by the Chairman, $40,000: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall be made in accordance with the laws applicable to inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate. Senate restaurants: For repairs, improvements, furnishings, and equipment for the Senate Restaurant, Capitol Building, including personal and other services, $84,000, to be expended by the Architect of the Capitol under the supervision of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For payment to Bruce J. Mansfield, Margaret Mansfield Dorsey, and Jaquelin Mansfield Schmidt, son and daughters of Joseph Jefferson Mansfield, late a Representative from the State of Texas, $12,500. SALARIES, MILEAGE, AND EXPENSES OF MEMBERS For compensation, mileage, and expense allowances due and unpaid to Members of the House of Representatives, Seventy-ninth and prior Congresses, $83,879.22 . THE SPEAKER'S TABLE For an additional amount for preparation of the Digest of the Rules, $1,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE Stationery: For an additional amount for stationery for Repre- sentatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and for the second session, Seventy-ninth Congress, $200; second session, Seventy-ninth Congress, additional, $500; second session, Seventy-ninth Congress, second additional, $750; first session, Eightieth Congress, additional, $900; in all, $2,350, to remain avail- able until expended. For payment to John C. Gall for services rendered as counsel ap- pointed by the special subcommittee of the Committee on Appropria- tions, pursuant to H. Res. 386, Seventy-eighth Congress, $7,500. COMMITTEE EMPLOYEES Paragraph (e) section 202 of the "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946", Public Law 601, Seventy-ninth Congress, approved August 2, 1946, is amended to read as follows: The professional staff members of the standing committees shall receive basic annual compensation, to be fixed by the chairman, ranging from $5,000 to $8,000 and the clerical staff shall receive basic annual compensation up to $8,000. 611 Ante, p. 160. Post, p. 677. Ante, p. 384; post, p. 696. 41U.S.C. 56. Ante, p. 58. Ante, p. 364. 60 Stat. 398. Ante, p. 69. Ante, p. 365. 60 Stat. 835. 2U.S. C. 72a(e). Compensation.