PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 448 , 449-AUG. 4 , 1947 [61 STAT. the northwest corner of section 8; thence east one thousand nine hun- dred and ninety-two and two-tenths feet to a concrete monument on the west side of Melson Avenue; thence south zero degrees fifty minutes east along the west side of said avenue one thousand three hun- dred feet to an iron; thence west one thousand four hundred and eleven and three-tenths feet to an iron; thence north fifty feet to an iron; thence west six hundred feet to an iron; thence north one thou- sand two hundred and fifty feet to place of beginning, containing fifty- nine and eight-tenths acres, more or less, and being the same land as shown as tracts 1 and 2 on plat recorded in plat book 13, page 82, public records of said county, and containing one hundred and sixty- nine and eighteen one-hundredths acres, more or less; also Part of south half southeast quarter southeast quarter northwest quarter, section 8, township 2 south, range 26 east, Duval County, Florida, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone monu- ment at the northwest corner of section 8, township 2 south, range 26 east; thence along west line of said section 8, south one degree sixteen minutes east two thousand six hundred and forty-six and four-tenths feet to a point; thence east one thousand nine hundred and seventy- four and three-tenths feet to a point; thence north zero degrees fifty minutes west thirty feet to an iron stake in the north line of Louisa Street for a place of beginning of lands to be described; from said place of beginning run east along the north line of Louisa Street six hundred and thirty feet to an iron stake in the west line of Melson Avenue; thence along the west line of Melson Avenue north zero degrees fifty minutes west three hundred feet to an iron stake; thence west six hundred and thirty feet to an iron stake; thence south zero degrees fifty minutes east three hundred feet to place of beginning. Recorded in deed book 700, at page 497, of the current public records of Duval County, Florida, containing one hundred and eighty acres of land, more or less, together with all buildings, structures, and improvements thereon (known as Paxon Field), in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions provided in the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the sale of Federal buildings", approved August 26, 1935 (U. S . C ., 1940 edition, title 40, sec. 345b). Approved August 4, 1947. [CHAPTER 449] . TN -TTT RTO"IrT TT'rTnI'T August 4, 1947 - "
J U [S. J. Res. 112] To establish a commission to formulate plans for the erection, in Grant Park, [Public Law 327] Chicago, Illinois, of a Marine Corps memorial. Resolved by the Senate and H o u s e of Representatives of the United Maoria Corps Mei- n tates of America in Con ress assembled, That there is hereby estab- lished a commission, to be known as the Marine Corps Memorial Commission, and to be composed of three Commissioners to be appointed by the President of the United States. The Commission shall consider and formulate plans for the erection upon a suitable site in Grant Park, in the city of Chicago, Illinois, of an appropriate memorial to the members of the United States Marine Corps who have given their lives in the service of their country. Acceptance of prop- SEC. 2 . The Commission may accept from any source, public or private, money or other property for use in carrying out its functions under this joint resolution; and is authorized to cooperate with inter- ested public and private organizations in carrying out such functions. Designation of Pr SEC. 3. Upon the request of the Commission, the heads of the Federal c ies . departments or agencies may designate such personnel of their respec- tive departments or agencies, or of the Marine Corps, as the case may 724 49 Stat. 800 I