61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 512 -AUG. 7, 1947 (d) The numbers to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- Officers designated for engineering or tion of officers designated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineer- special duty. ing duty, or special duty to the grade of rear admiral shall be deter- mined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board. Their total shall be equal to the number of vacancies existing among such officers in the grade of rear admiral plus the estimated number of such vacancies which will occur during the ensuing twelve-month period and minus the number of such officers then on the promotion list. Within and to such total the Secretary of the Navy shall allocate such numbers to any or all of the named categories as he shall determine to be necessary to meet the require- ments of the Navy. (e) The number to be furnished theboard in respect to the promo- foreffiers deignated tion of officers designated for engineering duty from a grade below eerg y. captain shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board as necessary to meet the needs of the service. Such number shall not exceed the number of such officers in the promotion zone in the grade concerned, nor be less than the product of that number and a fraction which for each such grade shall have as its numerator a number equal to the number of line officers in the same grade, not restricted in the performance of duty, which may be recommended for promotion to the next higher grade in the same fiscal year, and as its denominator a number equal to the number of line officers, not restricted in the performance of duty, in the promotion zone of the grade concerned in such year. (f) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the pro- Offiers designated- motion of officers designated for aeronautical engineering duty from neering duty. a grade below captain shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board as necessary to meet the needs of the service. Such number shall not exceed the number of such officers in the promotion zone in the grade concerned, nor be less than the product of that number and a fraction which for each such grade shall have as its numerator a number equal to the number of line officers in the same grade, not restricted in the perform- ance of duty, which may be recommended for promotion to the next higher grade in the same fiscal year, and as its denominator a number equal to the number of line officers, not restricted in the perfornance of duty, in the promotion zone of the grade concerned in such year. (g) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- for^,f dulTyiated tion of officers designated for special duty from a grade below captain shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board as necessary to meet the needs of the service. Such number shall not exceed the number of such officers in the pro- motion zone in the grade concerned, nor be less than the product of that number and a fraction which for each such grade shall have as its numerator a number equal to the number of line officers in the same grade, not restricted in the performance of duty, which may be recom- mended for promotion to the next higher grade in the same fiscal year, and as its denominator a number equal to the number of line officers, not restricted in the performance of duty, in the promotion zone of the grade concerned in such year. (h) The number to be furnished the board in respect to rear admi- actie tion os rals not restricted in the performance of duty to be continued on the Rear t admiral not active list shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the reste date of the convening of the board and shall be computed by dividing the authorized number of such rear admirals by three and subtracting from the quotient thus obtained the number of such rear admirals, 803