Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/987

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INDEX Agriculture, Department of-Continued Page Speculative trading on commodity ex- changes, funds available for carrying out legislation respecting; report to Congress - --.--..-------- 942, 943 Strategic and critical agricultural mate- rials, research on, appropriation for; transfer of lands, etc------------ 529 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc--------- .. _- -- - 549 Exception, certain emergency work.. 549 Sugar. See separatetitle. Sugar Act of 1937, appropriation to effect provisions of; limitation--- - 543 Sugar Act of 1948 ----------------- 922 Sugar Control Extension Act of 1947- _ 35 Appropriation for enforcement----_ -- 618 Appropriations for performing func- tions under during July 1947; amount available for terminal leave----------------------- 245 Sugar Council, International, appropri- ation for share of expenses -------- 527 Sugar Rationing Administration, funds for-------.--------------- 245, 618 Surplus Marketing Administration, Ter- ritories, emergency supplies for, re- peal of provisions of Act of Decem- ber 23, 1941__ -- -- --..


450 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, sale of timber ------------. _---------_ 920 Transfers of funds --------------. --. 65, 73, 74, 218, 219, 526, 537, 542 Treasury, Secretary of, authority re- specting receipt of certain obliga- tions and making of loans ----- _.- 545 Tussock moth control, appropriation for 65 Twine, restriction on purchase of foreign product---------. ------------- 523 Vehicles, funds available for purchase; limitation on number, etc----. --- 548 War crops, acreage allotment, date of termination of state of war, etc., in interpretation of Act of February 28, 1945 ------------------------- 451 White pine blister rust control, appro- priation for _------------ -----. 537 Woodward, Okla., appropriation for re- pair of buildings, etc .- -- -- ..- 533, 534 Agriculture, Secretary of. See Agriculture, Department of. Agriculture, Yearbook of: Printing and binding- Appropriation for -- . --.---.---- _ 526 Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for -------- 375 Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Colleges of, appropriation for endowment-- 266 Aid, Interim. See Foreign Aid Act of 1947. Air Corps. See under War Department. Air Force, United States. See Air Force, Page Department of the, under National Security Act of 1947. Air Mail Service: Alaska, funds for--------. 112, 230, 700, 701 Domestic- Appropriation for -- . ..- -- . 112, 231, 701 Transfers of funds from------ 112, 187, 700 Air Mail Transportation, Foreign, funds for ------------------- 69, 186,231,701 Air Museum, National, appropriation for planning of -- .. ... . __ _ _------ ---_ 602 Air-Navigation Facilities. See under Civil Aeronautics Administration. Aircraft. See Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration; Civil Aeronautics Board; Navy Department; War Department. Airport Act, Federal, appropriation for car- rying out provisions of, merger of appropriations -------------- . -- -- 297 Airport Advisory Service, transfer of funds to appropriation for --------------- 74 Airports, Public, conveyance of surplus property for development; terms, con- ditions, reservations, and restrictions_ 678 "Ajax," Canadian-Built Dredge, Etc., documentation under laws of United States ------------------------ . 704 Alabama, oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to extension and renewal of interstate compact con- cerning ---------- .- -- -- --. -- -- 316 Alaska: Agricultural experiment station, trans- fer of equipment, etc.; availability of funds for settlement of obliga- tions----------------------- 529, 530 Agricultural extension work, appropria- tion for-..... ......-.. 527 tionfor------------------------ 527 Agricultural problems, appropriation for research on -------. ... - 524, 529 Air mail service, funds for__ 112, 230, 700, 701 Airport program, Federal-aid, appro- priation for ------------------ 297 Civil Aeronautics Administration and Civil Aeronautics Board- Distressed persons in remote localities, appropriation for relief- ------ 301 Medical services for employees in.. 301 Subsistence supplies for resale; report to Congress ---------------- 301 District attorneys, U. S ., appropriation for office expenses ------------- 290 Fairbanks, construction of magnetic and seismological observatory, appro- priation for - . 298 priation for---------------------298 Fire fighting, public lands, appropria- tion for .................. tion for------------------------ 464 Fisheries, appropriation for ---------- 486 Fur-seal investigations, appropriation for------------------------- 486