Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/103

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6; Slt lj i;NII;AI. A\;it:k.M N'I ' lN TAItIFI- ' S ANI 'ItAI >E _C l'T. . l!147 SCHEULE I - COMONWEALTH OF AUSrALIA Part I (continued) Description of Products Australian Tariff Item Number lo5(oontinuead 105(c) 105c) (3) ahail be exempt from ordinary mset-faoured-nation aautom, duties which eceed the preferential duties on such produota by me than

  • 75d. per quare yard.

A10 3 Piece Goods (continued) Piece goods, n.e.i ., including cotton piece goods and piece goods containing a mixture of fibres in which cotton predominates but not including piece goods wholly of silk or in which silk predominates or piece goods mnumerated in sub-items (A), (D)(1) and (F), suitable for human apparel, or to be worn in oonnexion with the human body, having on one or both sides a teased, treated, combed, fluffed, or raised nap or surface in imitation of or resembling flannel in feel or P( Unbleahed, not being printed dyed or ooloured NOTE: The products provided for under Item 1D5(C)(1) shall be exempt from ordinary most-favoured-nation oustomr duties which exceed the preferential duties on such products by more than

  • 375d. per square yard.

(2) Bleached, not being printed dyed or coloured IMTE: The products provided for under Item 105(C)(2) shall be exempt from ordinary most-favoured-oation oustoa duties which exceed the preferential duties on such products by more than

  • 5d. per square yard.

(3) Printed, dyoe or colured M1 Th: The rodduot e mroidea f. undr Tit Rate fa Duty .- - - . - .- - - I