i1 STAT.] GENERAI. AGREEMEN'T ON TARIFFS ANI) TRAI)E-OCT. 30 , 1947 SCBHEMIz XX - UNIED STATES CF JIRIOA Part I (oantinud) Tariff Act of 1930, para- grph Rate of Durt Description ct Produots China, porcelain, and other vitrified wares (except sanitary ware, chemical porcelain wre, and chemical stoneware), composed of a vitri- fied nonabsorbent body which when broken shows a vitrified or vitreous, or semivitrified or scnmvitreous fracture, and all bisque and parian wares, including clock cases withoor without movements, plaques, pill tiles, ornaments, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, caps, steins, lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value of such ware, plain white, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, Ipintod, or ornamented or decorated in any manner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware, not specially pro- vided for: Tableware, kitcherare, and table and kitchen uh.n .- il -, conjrpiatin 25 pur cantux or more of cal-iniu boa , ... .. ......... ....... Electrical porcelain ware, and fittings and parts for sanitary ware .................. Other (except tableware, kitchenware, and table and kitchen utensils): Containing 25 per centum or more of cal- cined bone ........................ Net containing 25 per centum or ore of calcined bone ........................ NOTE: The torm "doz." in the spocifioations of rates of duty in this and the follcw- ing itom 212 means "dozon separaUt pieces." A1177 30Jf ad val,, but not less than 54 per dos. and 25% ad val. 3% ad val. 259/ ad val. 4l* par doz., but not loss than 4% nor more than 60S ad .al.