Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1172

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61 STAT.] (.ENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS ANI) TRADE-OCT. 30,1947 A1185 saC= XX - UIaED S3TAES Ci AIMEICA Part I (continued) Desoription of Products Rolled, cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, not plate glass, if ground wholly or in part (wheth- er onot polished) otherwise than for the pur- pose of ornamentation, or if one-fourth of one inch or more in thickness and obscured by color- ing prior to solidification .................. Provided, That none of the foregoing measuring one- half inch or more in thickness and not oontain- in a wire nettinm within itseilf shnll be subject to less then the following rates of duty: If ground wholly or in part (whether or not polished)otherwise than for the purpose of ornamentation ............................. If not ground Iholly or in part ............ Plate, cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, by what- ever process made, when made into mirrors, fin- ished or partly finished: Exceeding in size ore hundred and forty-four square inches and not exceeding three huad red and eighty-four square inches ......... Above that, and not exceeding seven hundred and twenty square inches .................. All above that ............................ Provided, That none of the foregoing shall be subject to a less rate of duty than ....... Plate, rolled, cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, and glass mirrors exceeding in size one hundred and forty-four aquarg iAches, by whatevur pro- oess made, when bent, frosted, sanded, enameled, beveled, etched, embessed, engraved, flashed, stained, colored (except glass not plate glass and not lesa than one-fourth of one inch in thickness, when obscured by coloring prior to solidification), painted, ornamented, or decor- ated, shall be subject to a duty of ........... Rate of Duty Subject to sp citic duties in item 222(a) or (b) above 25aad val. 205 ad val, 86 per sq, ft. 1C4 per aq. ft. 12J per sq. ft. 25% ad val %, ad val. in addi tion to the rates otherwise chargeable thereon Tarir Act cf 1930, para- - rA--hi 222(d) 223 224 . ., ,. -- - ~.b . . . .... Cj..........