Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/315

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A317 SCMHEULE III - BAZIL PiRT I (Continued) Tariff item number Rate of duty Description of Products N. 4 is porcelain of one or more colours, with or without gilding and binouitware or imitations of this, white or coloured, vdth or without gilding.


anufaturod Wares: Ornmamext ad other similar objects for personal adornmont ... .... ... .. ... .... .. L.. Glass beads and spangles, white, coloured, gilt or silvered: Solid: Plain ................................ L.L Cut................................... L.K . Hollow or bugles ....................... L.K . Spangles ............................. L.K . Bottlea, flasks and Jars: Of ooon glass, dark, buish, greenish and so-callod blaok: Without emery-groumd stopper or neck. L. . with emery-ground stopper or anok.... L.X . Of oosmon glass, whito, mVky or ooloured: Without ery-ground stopper or neok............................... LK. With e*sry-grouna stopper or noek..... L.K. Of glass of other uality, white, millk or ooloured (flasks and Jars): With moulded ornancnts, also thoes eaery-grouni or dulled............... L.K. Engraved by a-y process, also those out................................... L. Brazilian I 4.68 7.28 I.. 56 24.78 35.84 1.12 L40 2.24 2.94 4.34 6.58 631 635 /1 /2 /3 638 /1 /2 /3 /5 /6 (;Il Sr i (;IN.\ \ .(;1; I F N ) T()lNlTFS ANI" TA'AII]* ()('T 3. 1!)47