Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/384

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCTEDULE IV - BUlMA art I (Continued) Tariff Itea IldA r Description of Products white-ant extexminating machines, beet pullers, broadcast seeders, corn pickers, corn shellors, oulti-packors, drag scrapers, stalk cutters, husers and shredders, potato planters, line soser mnure spreaders, listers, soil graders, and rakes; fine throvers for attachment to spraying nachines designod for the externination of ltcusts, and latexoups; also agricultural tractors, also oorpo- nent parts of these implements, nachines or tractors, provided that they can be readily fitted into their proper places in the irplauents, adohinoa or tractors for ahich they are irported, and that they cannot ordinarily be used for purposes unoonnected with agriculture .......... Refrigorating rachinory other than Dostio Refrigerators..................................... Typewritsrs ........................... o........... Note: Typemriters shall be exempt frxan ordinary nost-favourod-natton customs duties which exoeed the preferential duty on typouritors of Indian origin by nore than 10 per oent ad valorem. .Elctro-midical apparatus (exclusively for rndioal uso).....................·.......................· iroloess Rooeption Instrutnts and apparatus and ouponont parts theroof, inoluding all olootrio valves, amplifiers and loud spoakers$hioh are not peocially designed for ptxposes other than wireless reception or are not original parts of and inportod along with instrmonts or appartus so designed ..................................... Note: The produts provided for under iten 257 sht be exopt fron ordinary most-faoinea-nsticon custoas duties whih exoeed the preferential duties on suoh products of Indian origin by nore than 15 per oent ad valora,. Grns, Arabic, Denjnmin (ran and owrie) and Dreu r (including unrefined batu) and rosin ............. Biushes, all sarts ....... ... .... ... .... ... ... .. Note: The produota provided for under item 287 shall bo exeapt fro- . ordinary nost-favoured- nation austows duties whioh exceed the preferential duties on such products of Indian origin by nore than 15 per oent ad vnloru. . xX 242 E 243 Bk 251 257 272 287 Rate of Duty Froe 25 per oant 50 per omnt .,.. . 30 po eenat

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