Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/504

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS ()THER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. PART I (oontinued) Chilean Tariff Item No. Rate of duty Description of Produots Oun (rubber, eutta-peroha, balata ani other like resins), raw, whether or not rolled, up to 1 in. in thickness or weighine up to 1 kg. net per square metre, also striated or stnoked gun of ary thiconess ........................ Y-G. Tortoise shell ......................... K.L. Shells of nother-of-pearl, shell-fish and molluoss, in the rough ........... K.0 . lacre, out into pieces, but not other- wiso wrought, for the manufaoture of buttons .............................. K.L . Sponges .............................. .. Codfish, dried or snoked, in oontainers of any kind, also in brine in wooden containers ........................... . .G. Pedigree oattle of the bovine speoies, for breeding ......................... eaoh Pedigree horses for breeding ........ eaoh Pedigree sheep for breeding .......... eaeh Blood, dried for industrial use ...... K.O. Live plants and fresh flowers ........ 100 X.G . Seeds i Luoern ......... . ... .... ... ... K.O . Seeds, oebolletas, bulbs, tubers. ete., of exotic plants or for agrioulture, not elsewhere speoified .................. X.O . Coconuts and palm-nuts (ooguitos) .... K.G . Fruits n.e.s : fresh ............... Apples, fresh ........................ 0.15 8.00 0.08 1.00 5.W0 1.00 4S.00 33.76 10.00 0.50 0.75 0.10 0.05 0.75 rree Free 67 Rx-70 76 76J 78 Ex-81 Ex- 83 Ex-84 Ex-86 98 106 108 11S 133 138 x-13 8