Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/579

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il1 SIrAx.] (;ENI:I1AL Al;EE.MfNT ON TARIFFS AN TRADE-O()T. 30 1947 SCHgDUL. IX - CUBA PART II (continued) Cuban Tariff Item Namber Rate of duty 0.975 per 100 Kgs. 2.50 per 100 Kgs. 3.00 per 100 Kgs. not negotiated 1.80 per 100 Kgs. Description of Products Anchors, chain for v-ssels and for machinery, moorings, switches and signal disks. .:iri gauze: Up to 19 threads in an area 23 millimeters square. Tools and impl*m mats not constituting .apparatus: Fin-, for arts, crafts and professions, made of fine crucible steel or fine steel cast by other methods. Fish-hooks. Other tools and iaplements. In screvs, nuts, bolts, washers and rivets, nails, meat-hooka, tacks, brads and other articl-s not specifi-d in other items: Nails and brads made of :ire. Nails of irrought iron or steal. Riv ts. Those not covered by the priceAding letters. Bits, stirrups, spurs, trimmings, rings, hames, pin-: anu other ,ccissories of saddlery work. Buckles of .ll kinds. Needles for sewing and embroidery, crochet needles end pens, including cordboard con- tainers. per 100 Kgs. per 100 Kgs. per 100 Kgs. per 100 Kgs. 45 45-. 47 47-A 47-- 47-F 48 48-h 43-B 48-C 48-D 49 50 51 0.225 per Kg. A585 1.625 1.45 2.25 1.90 2.10 per 100 Kgs. 0.14 per Kg.