Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/587

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ttil s Cuban Tariff Item Number 99 100 100-A 100-B 100-D 100-F 100-G Description of Products Pills, including those of quinine, capsules, medicinal lozenges and similar articles. Pharmaceutical products and insecticides not p.c t'l;' . 1ly clas3'ifed: Constituting pharmaceutical specialties or those known as patent medicines. Biologiccl and opotherapeutical products, in any form. Disinfectants such as creolin, lysol, bleaching powders, including hypochlorite of calcium and similar substances. Threads of silk, cotton, gauze, bandages, court plaster, taffeta, and other aseptic and antiseptic articles, in any form. Other pharmaceutical products. NOTE 11: The importation of pharmaceutical specialties and patent medicines remains sub- ject to the provisions of Note I of the Cuben Tariff, or of any others th:.t the Cuban Health Department may establish. It is understood, hosever, that the Cuban Department of Health will not impose any certification requirement or any formality for the importation, regis- tration, licensing and sale of pharmaceutical specialties and patent medicines, which will be impossible of fulfillent in the United States of -aerica because of the lack of a duly euthorized Federal agency. It is further agreed that no fee in connection with the regia- tration or licensing of pharmaceutical special- ties or patent medicines shall be greater than that existing on the day of signature of this Agreement. r.I1-pr.rLAL Al,;h-I '\l11t;NT ()NTA RIFFSAMl THAI )--(CT. 30. 1!47 A593 SCHE;DULS IX - CUBA PART 11 (continued) Rate of duty 0.14 p-r Kg. 0.14 per Kg. 0.175 per Kg. 1.05 per 100 Kg . 0.07 per Kg. 0.091 per Kg. .'"i r | 'I'x'L'I I "", . I , z.\.T--- x- T -- - .- - ---