Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/822

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. PART I (Continued) Frenoh Tariff Item No. Rate of Duty ed valorem puties of pipes so tubes, un- worked (Nos. 13A and B) Duties of taubs and pipes, straight and o unifor think- ass, ohcording to the kind (INo.1lya sand A 1305) Description of Products Tubes and pipes of iron or steel, straight and of uniform thickness, polished or oorered ................................. Tubes and pipes, of iron or steel, workd or shaped, other (coils, curved, tubes, threaded, hammered out, conical, expanded, extruded, etO.) .. .... ... ... .... ... .... .. Chapter 76 CCaER AND COIE'I ALLOT. Products of the first smelting of copper (matte) ...................... Copper, unorkod: copper for refining, with a copper content of 99% and lese (blisters, black copper, oement oopper) .......... copper, refined, thernio, containing more than 9 and less than 99.9/ (rough lups, ingots, plates, anodes, pellets) ............................ electrolytic or thermic refined copper containing 99. ,/ copper and more, inoluding silver (oathedes, wire-bars, ingots, blocks, plates, pellets, powders,

  • to.)

.... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... . waste and soraps of manufaoture ....... Copper wire, solid bars and profiles (sections) of copper, simply rolled, hot- forged (spun), drawn or extruded, whether saled or not ............................ 125 A830 w3o 13068 1308 131Q0 Free Pree Free Free Free 1310C x1311D Ex 13U