Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/896

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62 STAT.] BELGIUM-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 2, 1948 (b) to promote the develop- ment of industrial and agricultural production on a sound economic basis; to achieve such production targets as may be established through the Organization for Euro- pean Economic Cooperation; and when desired by the Government of the United States of America, to communicate to that Government detailed proposals for specific proj- ects contemplated by the Govern- ment of Belgium to be undertaken in substantial part with assistance made available pursuant to this Agreement, including whenever praticable projects for increased production of coal, steel, transpor- tation facilities and food; (c) to stabilize its currency, establish or maintain a valid rate of exchange, balance its govern- mental budget as soon as practi- cable, create or maintain internal financial stability, and generally restore or maintain confidence in its monetary system; and (d) to cooperate with other participating countries in facili- tating and stimulating an increas- ing interchange of goods and services among the participating countries and with other countries and in reducing public and private barriers to trade among themselves and with other countries. 2. Taking into account Article Eight of the Convention for Euro- pean Economic Cooperation [] looking toward the full and effec- tive use of manpower available in the various participating countries (b) favoriser le d6veloppement de la production industrielle et agricole sur une base 6conomique- ment rationnelle; r6aliser tels ob- jectifs de production qui pour- raient etre fixes dans le cadre de l'Organisation Europeenne de Co- op6ration Economique; et com- muniquer au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, si celui-ci le demande, des propositions d6taill6es cor- respondant a des projets d6ter- min6s que le Gouvernement de Belgique envisage d'entreprendre en ayant recours, pour une part importante, a l'aide fournie aux termes du present Accord, notam- ment, dans toute la mesure du possible, en ce qui concerne les projets relatifs a l'augmentation de la production du charbon, d'acier, de moyens de transport et de produits alimentaires; (c) stabiliser sa monnaie; ins- taurer ou maintenir un taux de change appropri6, equilibrer des que cela sera possible son budget d'Etat, cr6er ou maintenir la sta- bilit6 financiere int6rieure et, d'une maniere g6nerale, retablir ou main- tenir la confiance dans son systeme mon6taire; (d) cooperer avec les pays parti- cipants pour faciliter et stimuler un 6change croissant de mar- chandises et de services entre les pays participants ainsi qu'avec d'autres pays, et pour reduire lee obstacles publics et prives qui entravent ces echanges tant entre eux qu'avec le reste du monde. 2. Le Gouvernement de Belgi- que tenant compte des objectifs de l'Article VIII de la Convention de Cooperation Economique Eu- ropeenne visant a l'emploi de la main-d'ceuvre disponible dans lee Department of State publication 3145, p. 14 . Developmentof pro- duction. Maintenance of fi- nancial stability. Post, p. 2195. Stimulation otrade, Utilization of man power. 2179