Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/458

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2763 63 STAT.] COLOMBIA-HEALTH AND SANITATION-JULY 26, 28, 1949 Your Excellency has been good enough to inform me, with regard to this matter, that in view of the mutual benefits derived by our respective Governments from the said Program, the Government of the United States of America would agree to an extension of the said Program beyond the date specified for its termination, that is, June 30, 1949, and thus the new period of. the Basic Agreement would be from June 30, 1949, through the same date of the following year. Finally, Your Excellency informs me that during this last period the Institute will contribute $100,000.00 in United States of America currency for the maintenance of the Servicio Cooperative Inter- americano de Salud Phblica on the condition that the Government of Colombia contribute to the same Servicio, for the same purpos, ithe amount of $1,960,000.00 in currency of the Republic of Colombia, I have also taken note that the Institute is willing, during the new extension period of the Agreement, to utilize the funds which the said organization administers and which are not deposited in the account of the Servicio Cooperative Interamericano de Salud Pdblica, for the purpose of payment of salaries and other expenses of the members of the staff of the Health and Sanitation Division who are maintained by the Institute in Colombia. These amounts will be considered as expenses in addition to the sums required for'the ful- fillment of the Agreement. I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that, on the bases expressed in the note to which I am replying and to which I referred in the preceding paragraphs of this note, the Government of the Republic of Colombia agrees to a new extension of the Basic Agree- ment, as amended, signed with the Institute of Inter-American Affairs for a period of one year beginning June 30, 1949, through June 30, 1950. I request that Your Excellency consider .this note as my Govern- ment's formal agreement to. the extension of the said Agreement, which, for its entry into force, will require the signature of a com- plementary agreement between the Minister of Hygiene of the Republic of Colombia and a representative of the Institute of Inter- American Affairs in order to determine matters of a technical nature. I request Your Excellency to transmit the contents of the present note to the Department of State of the United States of America and the Institute of Inter-Arherican Affairs. For my part, I have informed the Minister of Hygiene of the acceptance expressed in this note so that he may be enabled to enter into official conversations with the representative of the said Institute. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. . . ELIEO ARANGO. His Excellency WILLARD L. BEAULAC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America OC*y.