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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/15

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XV Date

Forest fire control headquarters. AN ACT To provide for the acquisition of land and the construction thereon of buildings and appurtenances essential for forest fire control operations of the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, at or near Missoula, M o n t a n a, and for other purposes Oct. 24, 1951 Postal service. AN ACT To readjust size and weight limitations on fourth-class (parcel post) mail Oct. 24, 1951 __ ^ Commxinications Act of 19S4, amendments. AN ACT To further amend the Communications Act of 1934 Oct. 24, 1951_-_ Federal employees, pay increase. AN ACT To increase the ba.sic rates of compensation of certain officers and employees of the Federal Government, and for other purposes Oct. 24, 1951 Flood Rehabilitation Act, 1962. JOINT RESOLUTION Making appropriations for rehabilitation of flood-stricken areas for the fiscal year 1952, and for other purposes Oct. 24, 1951 Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1962. AN ACT Making appropriations for civil functions administered by the Department of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, and for other purposes I Oct. 24, 1951_-_ Postal service. AN ACT To adjust the salaries of postmasters, supervisors, and employees in the field service of the Post Office Department Oct. 24, 1951 St. Louis, Mo., transfer of property. AN ACT To authorize and direct the Administrator of General Services to transfer to the Department of the Army certain property in Saint Louis, Missouri Oct. 24, 1951. - _ Smithsonian Institution. AN ACT Relating to the policing of the buildings and grounds of the Smithsonian Institution and its constituent bureaus Oct. 24, 1951 Salary increases, certain D. C. employees. AN ACT To increase the salaries of the Metropolitan Police, the United States Park Police, the White House Police, members of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, and emplovees of the Board of Education of the District of C o l u m b i a. „_1 Oct. 25, 1951... New Orleans, conveyance. AN ACT To provide for conveyance of certain land to the city of New Orleans Oct. 25, 1951... Government records. AN ACT To amend or repeal certain laws relating to Government records, and for other purposes Oct. 25, 1951 Navy Department, certain property transactions. AN ACT To authorize certain land and other property transactions, and for other purposes Oct. 25, 1951 North Carolina, conveyance. AN ACT Providing for the conveyance to the State of North Carolina of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse Reservation, Corolla, North Carolina Oct. 25, 1951 *.. Independence National Historical Park. AN ACT To amend the Act of June 28, 1948 (62 Stat. 1061), to provide for the operation, management, maintenance, and demolition of federally acquired properties following the acquisition of such properties and before the establishment of the Independence National Historical Park, and for other purjwses Oct. 26, 1951 Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1961. AN ACT To provide for the control by the United States and cooperating. foreign nations of exports to any nation or combination of nations threatening the security of the United States, including the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and all countries under its domination, and for other purposes Oct. 26, 1951 Korean veterans, etc., housing preferences. AN ACT To amend certain housing legislation to grant preferences to veterans of the Korean conflict Oct. 26, 1951... Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend sections 303(c) and 503 (b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended Oct. 26, 1951 Interstate compact, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to a compact or agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey concerning a bridge across the Delaware River to provide a connection between the Pennsylvania Turnpike System and the New Jersey Turnpike, and for other purposes. Oct. 26, 1951 Armed Forces, reenlistment bonus. AN ACT To amend section 207 (a) of Public Law 351, Eighty-first Congress Oct. 26, 1951...

•For additional Public Laws approved October 25, 1951, see Public Laws 219-221.


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