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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/20

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Private Law

30 31 32 - - 33 34 - - 35 36 37 38 39 - - 40 41 42 43 44 - - 45 46 47 - - 48 - - 49 50 - - 51 52 53 54 - - 55 56 57, - 58 59 60 61 - - 62 63 64 65 66 67 - - -


Mrs. Oksana Stepanovna Kasenkina. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Oksana Stepanovna Kasenkina Janina Wojcicka and others. AN ACT For the relief of Janina Wojcicka, Wojciech Andrzej Wojcicki, and Stanislaw Wo jcicki Mrs. Coral E. Alldritt. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Coral E. Alldritt Frederick Edmond Tomkins and others. AN ACT For the relief of Frederick PJdmond Tomkins, Mary Ann Tomkins, and Edward Marshall Tomkins John Yan Chi Gee. AN ACT For the relief of John Yan Chi Gee Athina Mary Onassis. AN ACT For the relief of Athina Mary Onassis-Mary Valsamis and Vassili G. Dendramis. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Valsamis Dendramis and Vassili G. D e n d r a m i s Gunter Arno Thelemann. AN ACT For the relief of Gunter Arno Theleinann Mrs. Sadako Kawamura Lawton. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Sadako K a w a m u r a Lawton Taro Takara. AN ACT For the relief of Taro T a k a r a Kimiko Shihuya. AN ACT For the relief of Kimiko S h i b u y a - Pietro Giannettino. AN ACT For the relief of Pietro Giannettino Dr. Chia Len Liu. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Chia Len Liu Jacquelyn Shelton. AN ACT For the relief of Jacquelyn Shelton _ Elena Erbez. AN ACT For the relief of Elena Erbez Lucia Adanios. AN ACT For the relief of Lucia Adamos James A. G. Martindale. AN ACT For the relief of James A. G. Martindale Mrs. Margot Kazerski. AN ACT For admission to the United States of Mrs. Margot Kazerski Chin Yok Kong. AN ACT For the relief of Chin Yok K o n g - - Mrs. Ingeborg Ruth Saltier McLaughlin. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Ingeborg R u t h Sattler McLaughlin Sook Kat. AN ACT For the relief of Sook K a t R. J. Scheuerman and others. AN ACT For the relief of R. J. Scheuerman, Daniel Fuller, W. H a r d e s t y, and J o h n M. W a r d Japhet K. Anvil and Howard A. Monroe. AN ACT For the relief of J a p h e t K. Anvil and Howard A. Monroe Hildegard Dettling and daughter. AN ACT For the relief of Hilegard Dettling and J u d i t h Ingeborg Dettling First Lt. Walter S. Moe, Jr. AN ACT For the relief of First Lieutenant Walter S. Moe, Junior St. Patrick Hospital and The Western Montana Clinic. AN ACT For the relief of Saint Patrick Hospital and The Western Mont a n a Clinic Dr. Fernand Van Den Branden. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Fernand Van Den Branden Charles R. Keicher. AN ACT For the relief of Charles R. Keicher Concetta Santagati Giordano. AN ACT For the relief of Concetta Santagati Giordano Robert Johanna Sorensen. AN ACT For the relief of Robert J o h a n n a Sorensen Lars Daniel Sorensen. AN ACT For the relief of Lars Daniel Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lupcho. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs A. C. Lupcho Al Parker. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico to hear, determine, and render j u d g m e n t upon the claim of Al ParkerMario Pucci and others. AN ACT For the relief of Mario Pucci, Giacomo Favetti, Giuseppe Omati, Vincenzo Andreani, Lambruno Sarzanini, and Alessandro Costa D. A. Montgomery, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of D. A. Montgomery Henry W. Savidge, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Henry W. Savidge Joseph Girardi. AN ACT For the relief of Joseph Girardi Mrs. Robert M. Sternberg. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Robert M. Sternberg


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A 18

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A18 A18 A19

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A20 A20

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May 18, 1951---

A 24

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May 19, 1951--May 21, 1951---

A26 A26

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