Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/808

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[78 STAT. 766]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 766]


PUBLIC LAW 88-557-AUG. 31, 1964

[78 STAT.

Public Law 88-557 August 31, 1964 ———' ^^ ^"•'

AN ACT To authorize the exchange of public domain lands heretofore withdrawn and reserved for the use of the Hanford project of the Atomic Energy Commission, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Land°etrhalr e*.' ^'^^'^^^ States of America in Co7igress assembled, That all interests of the United States in the public domain lands lying south and west of the Columbia River, and within: Township 14 north, range 26 east, section 28; Township 14 north, range 27 east, section 34; Township 13 north, range 25 east, section 14; Township 10 north, range 28 east, sections 2,4, and 10; Township 12 north, range 26 east, sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 18; Township 12 north, range 25 east, sections 2,12, and 14; Township 13 north, range 26 east, sections 28,30,32, and 34; Willamette meridian, comprising approximately 10,000 acres, which lands are now withdrawn and reserved for the use of the Hanford project of the Atomic Energy Commission, shall hereafter be held by ihe Atomic Energy Commission as an agent of and on behalf of the United States, and the Atomic Energy Commission shall exercise all of the authorities with respect thereto as provided in the Atomic 68 Stat. 919 Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Atomic Energy Community 42 USC 2011 note. " Act of 1955, as amended: Provided, That any disposal of such lands 42 us^c 2 3 i

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pursuant to such Acts shall be subject to valid existing rights in third note. parties: Provided further, That nothing herein shall be deemed to add to, modify, or eliminate any authority of the Commission pursuant to such Acts to dispose of property. SEC. 2. All lands within the Hanford project lying north and east of the Columbia River and within: Township 14 north, range 28 east, sections 18, 19, west half section 20, west half section 29, and sections 30, 31, and 32; Township 13 north, range 27 east, sections 1, 12, and 13; Township 13 north, range 28 east, sections 5, 6, 7, and 8; Willamette meridian, that were acquired by the Manhattan Engineering District or by the Atomic Energy Commission and that are now under the administrative control of the Atomic Energy Commission, comprising approximately 7,000 acres, are hereby designated public domain lands of the United States subject to all of the laws and regulations applicable thereto, and are withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including the mining and mineral leasing laws, and are reserved for the use of the Atomic Energy Commission in connection with its Hanford operations until such withdrawal and reservation are revoked by order of the Secretary of the Interior with the concurrence of the Atomic Energy Commission. SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Interior and the Atomic Energy Commission may by agreement designate not to exceed 1,920 additional acres of public domain lands reserved for the Hanford project, which shall thereafter be held by the Atomic Energy Commission in accordance with the provisions of section 1 of this Act, and acquired lands of approximately equal value under the administrative control of the Atomic Energy Commission, which shall thereafter be held by the Atomic Energy Commission in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of this Act. Approved August 31, 1964.