Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1444

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[79 STAT. 1404]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1404]


PRIVATE LAW 89-182-OCT. 31, 1965

[79 STAT.

iuxjessories, and appurtenances) for the use of llie University of Washington. (b) If the liquidation of the entry of any article described in subsection (a) has become final, such entry shall be reliquidatexl and the appropriate refund of duty shall be made. Approved October 31, 1965. Private Law 89-182 October 31, 1965 [H. R. 6312]

Mario Menna.

8 USC 1153 notes.

AN ACT For the relief of Mario Menna. Be it enacted 'by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in the administration of the immigration laws, Mario Menna shall be deemed to be within the purview of section 1 of the Act of October 24, 1962 (76 Stat. 1247). Approved October 31, 1965. Private Law 89-183

October 31, 1965 [H. R. 6655]

Pieter Cornells Metzelaar. 66 Stat. 242. 8 USC 1427.

AN ACT For the relief of Pieter Cornells Metzelaar. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress msembled, That, for the purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Pieter Cornells Metzelaar shall be held and considered to have complied with the provisions of section 316 of that Act as they relaite to residence and physical presence. Approved October 31, 1965. Private Law 89-184

October 31, 1965 [H. R. 6720]

Ping-Kwan Fong. 66 Stat. 163. 8 USC 1101 note.

AN ACT For the relief of Ping-Kwan Fong. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America m Congress assembled, That, for the purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Ping-Kwan Fong shall be held and considered to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as of September 24, 1947. Approved October 31, 1965. Private Law 89-185

October 31, 1965 [H. R. 7282]

Richard D. Walsh.

AN ACT For the relief of Richard D. Walsh, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That Richard D. Walsh, of Rochester, New York, is relieved of liability to the United States in the amount of $137.10, representing the amount of an allotment which was paid on his behalf for the month of November 1961,