Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/154

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[79 STAT. 114]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 114]


PUBLIC LAW 89-25-MAY 22, 1965

[79 STAT.

Public Law 89-25 May 22, 1965 [H. J. R e s. 195]

D.c. American Legion National Convention, 1966. Special regulations.



Use of grounds, conditions.

JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the Coiumissioners of the District of Columbia to promulgate special regulations for the period of the American Legion National Convention of 1966, to be held in Washington, District of Columbia; to authorize the granting of certain permits to The American Legion 1966 Convention Corporation of the District of Columbia on the occasion of such convention, and for other purposes.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerka in Congress assembled. That for the period of the American Legion National Convention of 196(), to be held in the District of (Columbia on August 29, 30, and 31, and September 1, 1966, the Commissioners are authorized and directed to make all rea,sonab1e regulations necessary to secure the preservation of public order and protection of life, health, and property; to make special regulations respecting the standing, movement, and operation of vehicles of whatever character or kind during said period; and to grant, under such conditions as they may impose, special licenses to peddlers and vendors for the privilege of selling goods, wares, and merchandise in such places in the District of Columbia, and to charge such fees for such privilege, as they deem proper. SEC. 2. For the purposes of this Act— (a) "Commissioners" means the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or their designated agent or agents; (b) "Corporation means the American Legion 1966 (Convention Corporation of the District of Columbia, or its designated agents; (c) "Convention" means the American Legion National Convention of 1966, to be held in the District of Columbia on August 29, 80, and 31, and September 1, 1966; (d) "Period*' and "convention period" mean the ten-day period beginning August 25, 1966; (e) "Secretary of Defense means the Secretary of Defense, or his designated agents; and (f) "Seci^tary of the Interior' means the Secretary of the Interior, or his designated agents. SKC. 3. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary, payable in like manner as other appropriations for the expenses of the District of Columbia, to enable the Commissioners to advance to the corporation's guaranty fund $25,000, for the reimbursement of which the District shall have a prior claim on any moneys available to the corporation for repayment to guarantors, and to provide additional municipal services in said District during the convention period, including employment of personal services without regard to the civil service and classification laws; travel expenses of enforcement personnel, including sanitarians, from other jurisdictions; hire of means of transportation; meals for police, firemen, and other municipal employees; construction, rent, maintenance, and expenses incident to the operation of temporary public comfort stations, firstaid stations, and information booths; and other incidental expenses in the discretion of the Commissioners. SKC. 4. The Secretary of the Interior, with the approval of such officer as may exercise jurisdiction over any of the Federal reservations or grounds in the District of Columbia, is authorized to grant to the corporation permits for the use of such reservations or grounds during the convention period, including a reasonable time prior and subsequent thereto; and the Commissioners are authorized to grant like permits for the use of public space under their jurisdiction. Each such