Non-Federal share of c o s t s.
Provisions for acquisition of lands.
Joint capital costs. Unit c o s t s.
"Nonreimbursable." Integration with pther Federal works.
PUBLIC LAW 89-108-AUGUST 5, 1965
day estimated to result from such diminislied recreation development AA'ithout reference to lands which may be provided pursuant to subsection (e) of this section. (d) The non-Federal share of the separable capital costs of the unit allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement shall be borne by non-Federal interests, under either or both of the following methods as may be determined appropriate by the Secretary: (i) payment, or provision of lands, interests therein, or facilities for the unit; or (ii) repayment, with interest, within fifty years of first use of uriit recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement facilities: Provided, That the source of repayment may be limited to entrance and user fees or charges collected at the unit by non-Federal interests if the fee schedule and the portion of fees dedicated to repayment are established on a basis calculated to achieve repayment as aforesaid and are made subject to review and renegotiation at intervals of not more than five years. (e) Notwithstanding the absence of preconstruction agreements as specified in subsection (c) of this section lands may be acquired in connection with construction of the unit to preserve the recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement potential of the unit. (1) If non-Federal public bodies agree within ten years after initial unit operation to administer for recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement pursuant to the plan for development of the unit approved by the Secretary land and water areas which are not included within Federal waterfowl refuges and waterfowl production areas and to bear not less than one-half the costs of lands acquired therefor pursuant to this subsection and facilities and project modifications provided for those purposes and all costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement incurred therefor, the remainder of the costs of such lands, facilities, and project modifications shall be nonreimbursable. Such agreement and subsequent development shall not be the basis for any allocation of joint costs of the unit to recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement. (2) If, within ten years after initial operation of the unit, there is not an executed agreement as specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Secretary may utilize the lands for any lawful purpose within the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, or may transfer custody of the land to another Federal agency for use for any lawful purpose within the jurisdiction of that agency, or may lease the lands to a non-Federal public body, or may transfer the lands to the Administrator of General Services for disposition in accordance with the surplus property laws of the United States, I n no case shall the lands be used or made available for use for any purpose in conflict with the purposes for which the project was constructed, and in every case preference shall be given to uses which will preserve and promote the recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement potential of the project or, in the absence thereof, will not detract from that potential. (f) Subject to the limitations hereinbefore stated, joint capital costs allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement shall be nonreimbursable. (g) Costs of means and measures to prevent loss of and damage to fish and wildlife shall be treated as unit costs and allocated among all unit purpK)ses. (h) As used in this Act, the term "nonreimbursable" shall not be construed to prohibit the imposition of entrance, admission, and other recreation user fees or charges. SEC. 3. The Garrison diversion unit shall be integrated physically and financially with the other Federal works constructed or authorized