Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/100

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88 TREATY WITH PRUSSIA. 1785. Eneh party to tion, by sea or by land; and shall use all- their efforts to recover, am] prerect the vas- cause to be restored to the right owners, their vessels and effects which gzl hqgtggcji shall be taken from them within the extent of their said jurisdiction t err omnnons. ARTICLE VIII. vmej, com. The vessels of the subjects or citizens of either party, coming on any ing cnthe pcast. coast belonging to the other, but not willing to enter into port, or being 3;:,2*;*,9*;%,2};: entered into port, and not willing to unload their cargoes or break nation, how ,0 bulk, shall have liberty to depart. and to pursue their voyage,. without be treated. molestation, and without being obliged to render account of their cargo, or to pay any duties, charges or fees whatsoever, except those established for vessels entered into port, and appropriated to the maintenance of the port itselh or of other establishments for the safety and convenience of navigators, which duties, charges and fees shall be the same, and shall be paid on the same footing as in the case of subjects or citizens of the country where they are established. ARTICLE IX. tn em of ship- When any vessel of either party shall be wrecked, foundered or othermml{;¥`:él:fd_ wise damaged on the coasts, or within the dominion of the other, their Gd, and goods pcsptictive subjects (pr citizens shall receive, as well for themselves as restored. or their vesse s an effects the same assistance which would be due to me inhabitants of the counfry where the damage happens, and shall pay e same c arges and dues only as the said inhabitants would be sub`ect to pay in a like case: and if the operations of repair shall require ihat ghewhogp or any pjtart of their cargo be unladed, they shall pay no uttes, c arges or ees on the part which they shall relade and carry away. Thelantient and barbarous right to wrecks of the sea shall be entirely abolished, with respect to the subjects or citizens of the two contracting parties. ARTICLE X. srglgciglgpgggg th The citizeps ordsubjepts of each partylshall have power to dispose of 1,;,,,.,,, ,;,1 qw doeéztptpgsojja gpo s'wit nn ghehjurisdtctron of the otlljcr, by testament, cse o therr _ _ o erwiseg an err representatives eing subjects or K;':<m°;r¤::;;:_ citizens of the other party, shall succeed to their shid personal goods, Wim whether by testament or ab tntestata, and may take possession thereof either by themselves or by others acting for them, and dispose of the same at thetrlwill, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases. glrjd infctjse of! the (zjbsence of the representative, such care shall be en o the said goo s and for so long a time as would be taken of the goods of a native in like case, until the lawful owner may take jgeasurep fjor rtgcegunig ahem. hAnd ig question shall arise among several aiman s o w tc o t. em the said goods belon , the same hall be _ decided finally by the laws and judges of the lagd wherein the said mggggjgggnge goods are. And where, on the death of any person holding real estate mm. Kxlgtgftpg jgjpgtgrggsmpg the one party, such real estate would by the not dis uara d b ll on a citizens or subject of the other, were he _ q 1 e y a ienalge, such subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same, an to withdraw the proceds without molestation, and exempt from all rights of detraction on the part of the government of the respective states. But this article shall not derogate in any man? Srom the force of the laws already published or hereafter to be gi!}  ;·>ub;Jey;tl;is Majesty the King of Prussia, to prevent the emigration