Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/568

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556 TREATY WITH HANOVER. 1840. character of the vessel, whether it be of the one party or of the other in which such article was imported. ART. VI. (y,,,,,,;,, &c_ The Contracting Parties grant to each_other the liberty of having, Their authority each in the ports of the other, consuls, vice-consuls, agents and commd P’“"l°€“· missaries of their own appointment, who shall enjoy the same privileges and powers as those of the most favored nations; but if any of the said consuls, shall carry on trade, they shall be subjected to the same laws and usages to which private individuals of their nation are subjected in the same place. Consnls, The consuls, vice-consuls and commercial agents shall have the wgudgv and right, as such, to sit as judges and arbitrators in such differences as may j‘;i,:‘;:;‘;:‘ °°" arise between the masters and crews of the vessels belonging to the 1846, eh. 105. nation,whose interests are committed to their charge, without the interference of the local authorities, unless the conduct of the crews or of the captain should disturb the order or tran uillit of the countr · or _ _ _ q Y _ Y v the said consuls, v1ce·consuls or commercial agents should require their assistance to cause their decisions to be carried into effect or supported. pggrggcggjng __ MI: Ehppgrpyleér, und;el1;stood,tth?·this sppcies iofljudgmlpptl or prbitrathereby d6_ s i prrve e con en ing par res o the rig tiey rave to paved, &,c_ resort on their return, to the judicial authority of their own country. C¤¤S¤l¤, &·¤- The said consuls, vice-consuls and commercial agents are authorized gziffgsgxing to require the assistance of the local authorities for the search, arrest local uutnloriries and imprisonment of the deserters from the ships of war, and merchant

  • 0 ¤¤‘¤¤¤ ¤S¢¤· vessels of their country.

s. · . . °M,mm,,, in For this purpose they shalllapply to the competent tribunals, judges whrehthe ac. andlotiicers, and shall, in writing, demand said deserters, proving by the

3215 *0 be exhibition of the registers of the vessels, the muster-rolls of the crews,

‘ or by any other official documents, that such individuals formed part of tlgelprews and ondthrs claim being thus substantiated, the surrender s a not ereuse . num , Such deserters when arrested shall be laced at the dis osal of the t10W5v El; lhs- said consuls, vicd-consuls, or commercial iigents, and may be confined p°“ ° ‘ in the public prisons, at the request and cost of those who shall claim them, in order to be sent to the vessels to which they belong, or to others of the same country. But if not sent back within three months from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty and shall not be again arrested for the same cause. However if the deserter shall be gopnd (tic havehcomrpntted any crime or offence, his surrender may be e aye until the tri unal, before which his case shall be pending shall have pronounced its sentence and such sentence shall have beeti carried into effect. , ART. VII. p,,,,,,, ,0 d;,, The citizens or subjects of each party shall have power to dispose of ppgppt personal their personal property within the jurisdiction of the other, by sale, do- ' Y- nation, testament or otherwise. p,,,,,,,,,,; M_ Their. personal representatives, being citizens or subjects of the other premmnnives contracting party, shall succeed to their said personal property, whether "‘°Y ““°°°°d· by testament or ab intestate. Possession to They may take possession thereof, either by themselves or by others

¤<Ek<;:rl*:5l· acting for them, at their will, and dispose of the same, paying such

,ju,ies_ duties only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said personal property is srtuate, shall be subject to pay in like cases. (3,,,-,, (qrlyg In case of the absence of the personal representatives, the same care atjgggsg jgc shall be taken of the stud property as would be taken of the property mp,_”€nm,,v0s· of anutryet in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving i .