Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/590

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C O N V E N T I O N ttm. so,1e4a. Further to provide jbr the payment ty" awards in favor of ·2t:fg§°¤° claimants under the Convention between the United States Mmh 2*% im and the Mexican Republic zy" the 11th April, 1839. Proclamation of the President °f 'l";U·S··4 Wnnnnas, by the Convention between the United States and'tne NpT,,,,?&,,18 B' Mexican Republic, of the 11th Aprf, 1839, it is stipulated that, of it Ante. p. sac. should not be convenient to the l\. —xican Government to pay at once the sums found to be due to the claimants under that Convention-;—that Government shall be at liberty to issue Treasury notes m satisfaction of those sums; and whereas, the Government of Mexico [is] anxious to comply with the terms of said Convention, and to- pay those awards in full, but finds it inconvenient either to pay them tut money or to issue the said Treasury notes: The President of the United States has,_for the purpose of carrying into full effect the intentions of the said parties, conferred full powers on Waddy Thompson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister of the United States to the Mexican Government, and the President lof the ’Mexioan Republic has conferred full powers on their Excellcncies, I1 cse gtiagtaéle Bocanegira, Mintspep of Foregp Relations; and Manuel E uar o e orostiza inister o inance. n tie sai plenipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers, found to be in due form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles: ARTICLE I. Mexico ,0 ,y On the 30th day of April, 1843, the Mexican Government shall pay all interest dhs all the interest which may then be due on the awards in favor of claimants Xl llfliéggl under the Convention of the 11th of April, 1839, in gold or silver money, pain the city of Mexico. ARTICLE II. p,;,,,,;,,,,; md The principal of the said awards and the interest accruing thereon, interest to be shall be paid in five years, in equal instalments every three months, the Wd '“ll"° said term of five years to commence on the 30th day of April, 1843, wm' aforesaid. ARTICLE III. paymcm ,0 The payinentsaforesaid shall be made in the city of Mexico to such an made in the person as the United States may authorize to receive them, in gold or f;'Y0‘{5 silver money. But no circulation, export, nor other duties shall be gcharged thereon·—·—and the Mexican Government takes the risk, charges, and expenses of the transportation of the money to the city of Vera Cruz. ARTICLE IV. M,,,,;,,,, pledge, The Mexican Government hereby solemnly pledges the proceeds of the proceeds of the direct taxes of tho Mexican Republic for the payment of the instald“"°"“"°“· ments and interest aforesaid, but it is understood that whilst no other fund is thus pecilically hypothecated, the Government of the United States, by accepting this pledge, does not incur any obligation to look for payment of those instalments and interest to that fund alone. (a) For the convention between the United States and Mexico of April 11, 1839, see ante, page 526. (578)