Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/634

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622 INDEX. Centre of America, Federation of the. l Chile. Art. 17. All other merchandise not comprc- article 14 to be free, except to bloekadsd hended in the articles enumerated to be ports, -·-·-· 437 free, .- 330 Art. 16. Contraband articles not to condemn Art. 18. Articles of contraband to be subject those not contraband, . - - 437 to detention and confiscation, - · 330 Art. 17. Blockade, ·--- 437 Art. 19. Agreements in ease of blockade, 330 Art. 18. Regulation of visits at sea, - 438 Art. 20. Regulation of visits at sen., - 332 Art. 19. Sea. letters and passports to vessels Art. 21. Course to be pursued to avoid vexa- in case of war, -·-- 438 tion in the examination of rs, - 332 Art. 20. Vessels under convoy, - · 438 P'*P° _ Art. 22. Further agreement as to examgnété Art. 21. Zglzc c0urts,f h- - · 439 tion of vessels, ·--· Art. 22. o citizen o cit er party to enter Art. 23. Prize causes, · - · 332 the service of an enemy of the other, 439 Art. 24. War, ·--·- 332 Art. 23. In case of war between the parties, Art. 25. Agreement in case of war between six months to be allowed to persons re. the two (potions as to the removal of pig; siding cpl the const, and one yteur to per. part an citizens &,c., . · - 3 sons in the interior tu dispose o their pro- Art. Debts not to be sequestered in case pert and remove, --.· 439 0f wur, Ha · . . . · 334 Art. 2i Private and pubéic debts shall not be Art. 27. O ciulintcrcoursc, - · 334 sequestrutcd or con seated in case of Art. 28. Consuls and Vice-Consuls - 334 war, ----.. 439 Art. 29. Privileges ofConsuls, - ’ - 336 Art. 25. Public agents on the footing of those Art. 30. {Persons attached to the service of of the most fpvoured nations, - · 439 Consu s, ·---- 336 Art. 26. Consu s . . . . 4 9 Art. 31. Power of Consuls respecting d;- Art. 27. Consulsfmust exhibit their cumrzits. serters, -..--- 3 6 i ns, --·--· 0 Art. 32. Commerce and navigation, - 336 Ai;028. Immunities of Consuls, ow., · 440 Art. 33. Present treaty to remain in force Art. 29. Consuls muy require the aid of the twelve years, &.c. Infringement of the civil authorities to arrest dcserters. De. treaty. No reprisals of breach of treaty serters must be sent buck within two except utter complaints of injuries, &.e. months, - - 440 Treaty not to be construed to operate con- Art. 30. A consular convention to be formtrury to former public treaties with other cd, . . 440 sovereigns or States. Approval and mti- Art. 3]. The treaty to be in force for twelve Hcution of the treaty, · - · 336 years. Individuals to be responsible for CMM infringenocnts. Manner ofiprocccdingiin °’····~’ °·;;¤;·**e··· of P;··,·=·· —4·;·,j·v·U¤sy~, .`EZ$“t3fbL“Yh`%€$.§Z`i°”J; t£Z’s€2Z5f“’¥LiZ merce an auger mn e ween a m e 3 i · i S Staffs of America and the Republic of treaty to b rut fled in n ne month , 441 CNF- M9-)' ws 183% · • · 434 An Additional Explanatory Convention to the Article 1. Pence and friendship establish. £*rea%1be3_o6e]plthe SUnited Star? ézgul the ed, -----. 434 cpu lic 0 ic. eptcmbcr , 3,456 Adil bléuwun granted l° °th:r n°‘u°“s The treaty of May IG, 1832, to be carried 5,;]; °°m° °°mm°“ t° b°l ’ Exggq into effect, notwithstanding the ratifiea. Ar:. 3.'Commereo mm navigation. com. *?°'¥“ ‘"°"’ “°* °"°h“"g°d ‘“ °h° *““" ing trndc excepted, - - · 434 lmm°d‘` ,`,456 Am 4_ Merchant, and Others {mo to manage Artielo l. Stipuletaons of the 2d article, bow thuir bushes., ____ 435 to be understood, -·-. 456 Art. 5. Indemnification for embargo and de. Oh .1, u tention, ---- - - 435 t ‘ , , mz. 0. Assistance to be mma to persons Tmfy ¤>·¢7· OFM- My 3·1844· · 574 in the rivers, ports, 5:,0., from pirates and Article 1. Peace and Amity established be. cncmics, - - - - - 435 tween the United States and Chinn, 574 Art. 1(Yossels captured by pirates to be re- Art. 2. Citizens of the United States trading store , .. 435 with China to pay the duties prescribed Art. 8. Protection to vessels, &.c., ship- in the tarinl Fees und charges wholly wrecked, . 435 abolished. Modification of the tariff; how Art. 9. Personal und real estate may be dis· to be made. Additional udvantages, it posed ofand taken by suecession,&,c.,435 hereafter grunted or extended to any Art. 10. Protection to residents in either other nation, to be enjoyed by the United country, -·.-.. 436 States, .. 574 Art. ll. Libortyl of conscience, . . 436 Art. 3. Ports which may be frequented by Art.12. Free s ips make free goods, - 436 citizens of the United States who may Art. 13. Neutral property in encmics" ships reside there. Vessels of the United liable to cu ture, with exec tions, · 437 States not to trade at an other rt. P P Y P0 Art. 14. Contrubztnd articles, · - 437 Penalty, . . . - 574 Art. 15. All nrllclcs not cnumcrated in Art. 4. United Status may appoint Consuls.