Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/706

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50 GENERAL INDEX. District Attorneys, (continued.) District Courts, (continued.) I in Mississippi, to attend the commis- removal in cases of contagious sickness, i. sioners under treaty with the Choc- 621. _ taws, v. 181. respecting summons of grand juries, ii. to give the attorney-general assist- 167; iv. 188. ance and information respecting the special juries in, ii. 167; iv. 64, 188. public property in their respective spigial sessions and terms by, i. 74; iv. districts v. 468. . District Courts, 7 removal of causes in case of interest or acts obsolete, ii. 89, 132. disability of distri;:t3 judges, i. 278, 279, (1.) Organization and pay of 334* ii. 534 • iii. 4 . genefally, i. 73, 74; ii. 132; v. 176. judges; to reside in their districts, ii. 788 in A abama iii. 564. not to practise as attorne s ii. 788. two districts, iv. 9, 434, 444; v. 177, judge of we tem district oty ifirginia to 210, 315, 504. hold court for western district of Pennin Arkansas v. 51 147 177. sylvania, iv. 180. in District of Coldmbiai. See that title, p. under the act respecting aliens, i. 572, 577. 51. in cases of obstructing land surveyors, iv. in Florida v. 788. 417. in Illinois; iii. 502; iv. 444; v. 177, 788. in cases of patents, i. 111, 323. in indiana, iii. 390; iv. 444; v. 177, 788. over remission rg; forfeitures, i. 122, 209. in owa, v. 789. See Fines p. . in Kentucky, 77, 78, 396 · over Frenchideserters, 254. l _ in Lzuisiana, 11. 703, 743; 111. 602; 1v. 62, under the laws respecting Indians, 1. 331; 44 · v. 177 722 726. and see Indian Ajairs p. 87. two distridts in: iii. 774 775. certain obsolete acts, i. 395, 532. in il/Liaipe, i. 78, 79, 80; iii. 554. when judgments and decrees cease to be a in ic igzm v. 61 178. lien v. 338 393. in Mgssgisippi, ii. 301; iii. 413; iv. 444; v. concuirent with ther circuit court of crimes 1 7, 317. not capita v. 51 . in Miisopi-1,111.653; iv. 55,444; v. 177,788. extended to liikes and navigable waters, v in ew ampshire, i. 352. 726. in New York, two districts, ii. 719; iii. 120, under the post-ofiice laws, v. 739. 235, 254, 318, 392, 413, 774; iv. 192, execution issued by, where astute composes 422 444· v. 177 295 338 506. two districts iv. 184. in N0i·th Ci1rolina,,i. 126, 396. under laws respecting steambcats, v. 304. in Ohio, ii. 201, 420;,v. 788. to be kept always open, v. 517.

 gg1,e::;‘t2p1¥o:,y;,)11,_2,8.oéts   462 478 obsolitiz act of 1801, ch. 4, 11. 89 ; repealed,

is 1 , 111. , 11. . 598 ; iv. 50, 444 ; v. 177. , (3.) Terms and Sessions of in Rhode Island, i. 128. in Alabama, iii. 564, 610, 662; iv. 9, 192, in South Carolim1,two districts, iii. 726. 226, 434; v. 210, 315. in Tcnggisce, i. 496, 617; ii. 421, 477; iii. in Arkansas, v. 337. `. in Connecticut, i. 74 · ii. 676 · v. 601. twglgiggiptj in, @165, 421; v. 249, in Delaware, i. 74; iii. 673. , '72 4 . in Florida, v. 788. in Virginiix, 1./wo districts, iii. 478; iv. 48, in Georgia, i. 74, 396; ii. 165. 182) 315,0534, 557, 597. ingghnois, iii. 502; iv. 19, 434, 568; v. . to 1 n an owers. o. general proifision, i. 76, 77; iii. 245. in Indiana, iii. 390; iv. 515; v. 215. may issue 11 necessary writs, i. 81. in Io a . 789. appeals from. Sec Appeals, p. 5. in 1(di1ti1dky,i. 74,. 76, 396, 518; ii. 242, may bind over to keep the peace, i. 609. 354, 420, 516; iii. 742; iv. 11 ; v. 730. respecting, wpecked 1·‘rc;(:g vessels, i. 254. in Lcéuisiana, ii. 703; iii. 774; iv. 125, 516, un or neu ra 1 y no v. . 74 · v. 722 726. inlterpreter iLor,_in Ipéuisiaggi iv. 492. in Maipg, i. 74, 378, 253; ii. 166, 667, 829; a Journmen 0,1. · 11. .. . iii. 4 ; iv. 4 4 · v. 600. in case of pensions. ,See Pensions, p. 130. in Maryland, i. 74; ii. 165. in cases of debentures, i. 688,689. in Massachusetts, i. 74, 396; ii. 815. in cases of naturalization. Sec Naturaliza- in Michigan, v. 215, 337. _ tron, p. 119. __ in Mississippi, ii. 302; iii. 413, 611, 667; in cases of bankruptcy, 11. 19, 164; v. 440, iv. 399, 773; v. 247, 317. I 614. f I I tl U 418 u ,,95 in MissoI1&ri,iii.l653; iv. 22, 55; v. 337. in cases o iiijunc ions, 11. · 11i. o . in ew amps iire i. 74. ungjé slave-trade acts, 1.349; ii. 70, in Ney; Jersey, i. 74 ; ii. 124,132; iii. 678 3 _ 1 _ · _ _ V. 0. 1ssues_ot fact, how tried, 1. 77. H in New York, i. 74 ; ii. 720, 815; iii. 120, ofr ipjunctions to treasury warrants, ni. 392, 413, 623; iv. 101, 138, 422; v. 295. _ .19.1. _ in North Carolina, i. 126, 253, 396, 518; in ca cs of piracy, 111. 513, 789. H ii. 18,,123, 132, 163, 413, 471, 675; iv. mcascs of captures, 1.384, 574; 11. 761; 186, 204. ‘ 111. 288, 449,. in Ohio, ii. 201, 202, 421,568; iii. 544 ; iv. in cases of prize proceeds, 111. 288. { 18, 187; v. 215, 488, 652.