PUBLIC LAW 92-181-DEC. 10, 1971
[85 STAT.
intermediate credit banks in the making of loans to eligible borrowers, all the foregoing to be secured by such collateral, if any, as may be required in regulations of the Farm Credit Administration. The banks may own and lease or lease with option to purchase, to persons eligible for assistance under this title, equipment needed in the operations of such persons. (b) The Federal intermediate credit banks are authorized to discount for, or purchase from any national bank, State bank, trust company, agricultural credit corporation, incorporated livestock loan company, savings institution, credit union, and any association of agricultural producers engaged in the making of loans to farmers and ranchers, with its endorsement or guaranty, any note, draft, or other obligation the proceeds of which have been advanced or used in the first instance for any agricultural purpose, including the breeding, raising, fattening, or marketing of livestock; and to make loans and advances to any such financing institution secured by such collateral as may be approved by the F a r m Credit Administration: Provided, That no such loan or advance shall be made upon the security of collateral other than notes or other such obligations of farmers and ranchers eligible for discount or purchase under the provisions of this section, unless such loan or advance is made to enable the financing institution to make or carry loans for any agricultural purpose. (Q) ]^O paper shall be purchased from or discounted for any national bank. State bank, trust company or savings institution under subsection (b) if the amount of such paper added to the aggregate liabilities of such natioilal bank, State bank, trust company or savings institution, whether direct or contingent (other than bona fide deposit liabilities), exceeds the lower of the amount of such liabilities permitted under the laws of the jurisdiction creating the same, or twice the paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus of such national bank, State bank, trust company, or savings institution. No paper shall under this section be purchased from or discounted for any other corporation engaged in making loans for agricultural purposes including the raising, breeding, fattening, or marketing of livestock, if the amount of such paper added to the aggregate liabilities of such corporation exceeds the lower of the amount of such liabilities permitted under the laws of the jurisdiction creating the same, or ten times the paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus of such corporation. I t shall be unlawful for any national bank which is indebted to any Federal intermediate credit bank, upon paper discounted or purchased under subsection (b), to incur any additional indebtedness, if by virtue of such additional indebtedness its aggregate liabilities direct or contingent, will exceed the limitations herein contained. SEC. 2.4. TERMS.—Loans, advances, or discounts made under section 2.3 shall be repayable in not more than seven years from the time they are made or discounted by the Federal intermediate credit bank, and shall bear such rate or rates of interest or discount as the board of directors of the bank shall from time to time determine with the approval of the Farm Credit Administration, but the rates charged financing institutions other than production credit associations shall be the same as those charged production credit associations. I n setting the rates and charges, it shall be the objective to provide the types of credit needed by eligible borrowers, at the lowest reasonable costs on a sound business basis taking into account the cost of money to the bank, necessary reserves and expenses of the bank and production credit associations, and providing services to borrowers from the bank and associations. The loan documents may provide for the interest rate or rates to vary from time to time during the repayment