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PUBLIC LAW 92-255-MAR. 21, 1972
functions conducted, sponsored, or supported by any department or agency of the Federal Government. The strategy shall be initiially promulgated by the President no later than nine months after the enactment of this title. § 302. Strategy Council. To develop the strategy, the President shall establish a Strategy Council whose membership shall include the Direotor of the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention until the date specified in section 104 of this Act, the Attorney General, the Secretaries of Health, Education, and Welfare, State, and Defense, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, and other officials as the President may deem appropriate. Until the date specified in section 104 of this Act, the Director shall provide such services as are required to assure that the strategy is prepared, and thereafter such services shall be provided by such officer or agency of the United States as the President may designate. The strategy shall be subject to review and written comment by those Federal officials participating in its preparation. § 303. Content of strategy. The strategy shall contain (1) an analysis of the nature, character, and extent of the drug abuse problem in the United States, including examination of the interrelationships between various approaches to solving the drug abuse problem and their potential for interacting both positively and negatively with one another; (2) a comprehensive Federal plan, with respect to both drug abuse prevention functions and drug traffic prevention functions, which shall specify the objectives of the Federal strategy and how all available resources, funds, programs, services, and facilities authorized under relevant Federal law should be used; and (3) an analysis and evaluation of the major programs conducted, expenditures made, results achieved, plans developed, and problems encountered in the operation and coordination of the various Federal drug abuse prevention functions and drug traffic prevention functions. § 304. Preparation of strategy. To facilitate the preparation of the strategy, the Council shall (1) engage in the planning necessary to achieve the objectives of a comprehensive, coordinated long-term Federal strategy, including examination of the overall Federal investment to combat drug abuse; (2) at the request of any member, require departments and agencies engaged in Federal drug abuse prevention functions and drug traffic prevention functions to submit such information and reports and to conduct such studies and surveys as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this title, and the departments and agencies shall submit to the Council and to the requesting member the information, reports, studies, and surveys so required; (3) evaluate the performance and results acliieved by Federal drug abuse prevention functions and drug traffic prevention functions and the prospective j^erformance and results that might be achieved by programs and activities in addition to or in lieu of those currently being administered. § 305. Review and revision. The strategy shall be reviewed, revised as necessary, and promulgated as revised from time to time as the President deems appropriate, but not less often than once a year.