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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/120

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PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972


PUBLIC LAW 92-255-MAR. 21, 1972

[86 STAT.

ineiit of Health, Education, and Welfare. Such report shall list each progTani conducted and each service provided in carrying out such hnietions, describe liow such programs and services are to be coordinated, and describe the steps taken or to be taken to insure that such programs and services will be administered so as to encourage the broadest possible participation of professionals and paraprofessionals in the fields of medicine, science, the social sciences, and other related disciplines. The plan shall he consistent with the policies, priorities, and objectives established by the Director under section 221 of this Act. (b) The Secretary shall submit to the Director, for inclusion in the annual report required by section 283 of this Act, a report describingmodel and experimental methods and programs for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers, and describing the advantages of each such method and program and an evaluation of the success or failure of each such method or program. The Secretary's report shall contain recommendations for the development of new and improved methods and programs for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers, for community implementation of such methods and programs, and for such legislation and administrative action as he deems appropriate. § 406. Additional drug abuse prevention functions of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (a) The Secretary shall (1) operate an information center for the collection, preparation, and dissemination of all information relating to drug abuse prevention functions, including information concerning State and local drug abuse treatment plans, and the availability of treatment resources, training and educational programs, statistics, research, and other pertinent data and information; (2) investigate and publish information concerning uniform methodology and technology- for determining the extent and kind of drug use by individuals and effects which individuals are likely to experience from such use; (3) gather and publish statistics pertaining to drug abuse and promulgate regulations specifying uniform statistics to be furnished, records to be maintained, and reports to be submitted, on a voluntary basis by public and private entities and individuals respecting drug abuse; and (4) review, and publish an evaluation of, the adequacy and appropriateness of any provision relating to drug abuse prevention functions contained in the comprehensive State health, welfare, or rehabilitation plans submitted to the Federal Government pursuant to Federal laAV, including, but not limited to, those submitted pursuant to section 5(a) of the Vocational Rehabilita29 USC ^35 _ p. tion Act, sections '6U{d)(2)(K) and 604(a) of the Public Health Ante,^^^ 77 4rusc 29id. Service Act, section 1902(a) of title X IX of the Social Security 42us^cu°96a

  • ^^^' '^^^'^ section 20-1 (a) of part A of the Community Mental

42 USC 2 684^* Health Ccnters Act. (b) After December 31. 1974, the Secretary shall carry out his functions under subsection (a) through the Xational Institute on Drug Abuse. § 407. Admission of drug abusers to hospitals for emergency treatment. (a) Drug abusers Avho are suffering from emergency medical conditions shall not be refused admission or treatment, solely because of their drug abuse or drug dependence, by any private or public general hospital which recei ves support in any form from any program supported in whole or in part by funds appropriated to any Federal department or agency.