86 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 92-255-MAR. 21, 1972
501. Establishment of Institute. 502. Establishment of National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse. § 501. Establishment of Institute. (a) Effective December 31, 1974, there is established, in the National Institute of Mental Health, a National Institute on Drug Abuse (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Institute") to administer the programs and authorities of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Secretary") with respect to drug abuse prevention functions. The Secretary, acting through the Institute, shall, in carrying out the purposes of section 301 of the Public Health Service Act with respect to drug abuse, develop ^^ ^'°*- ^^^' and conduct comprehensive health, education, training, research, and 42 USC 241. planning programs for the prevention and treatment of drug abuse and for the rehabilitation of drug abusers. (b) The Institute shall be under the direction of a Director who shall be appointed by the Secretary. (c) The programs of the Institute shall be administered so as to encourage the broadest possible participation of professionals and paraprofessionals in the fields of medicine, science,- the social sciences, and other related disciplines. § 502. Establishment of National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse. (a) Section 217 of the Public Health Service Act is amended by g/starVssa^' adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: 85 stat! 463,' " (e)(1) The National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse shall consist ^ss. of the Secretary, who shall be Chairman, the chief medical officer of the Veterans' Administration or his representative, and a medical officer designated by the Secretary of Defense, who shall be ex officio members. I n addition, the Council shall be composed of twelve members appointed by the Secretary without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive s use 101 et service. The appointed members of the Council shall represent a broad ^^'^' range of interests, disciplines, and expertise in the drug area and shall be selected from outstanding professionals and paraprofessionals in the fields of medicine, education, science, the social sciences, and other related disciplines, who have been active in the areas of drug abuse prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, training, or research. " (2) The Council shall advise, consult with, and make recommendations to, the Secretary " (A) concerning matters relating to the activities and functions of the Secretary in the field of drug abuse, including, but not limited to, the development of new programs and priorities, the efficient administration of programs, and the supplying of needed scientific and statistical data and program information to professionals, paraprofessionals, and the general public; and " (B) concerning policies and priorities respecting grants and contracts in the field of drug abuse." (b) Section 266 of the Community Mental Health Centers Act is 84 Stat. 62, amended 42 USC 2688t. 11) by striking out in the first sentence "part C" and inserting in lieu thereof "parts C and D", (2) by striking out in the second sentence "established by such section", and (3) by adding at the end the following new sentence: "Grants under p a i t D of this title for such costs will undergo such review
- is is provided by section 217(e) of the Public Health Service Act." Supra.
Approved March 21, 1972.