86 STAT. ] ^ ^^
PUBLIC LAW 92-257-MAR. 21, 1972 ' '
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CLAIMS A N D J U D G M E N T S For payment of claims settled and determined by departments and agencies in accord with law and judgments rendered against the United States by the United States Court of Claims and United States district courts, as set forth in House Document Numbered 92-262, Ninety-second Congress, $5,111,059, together with such amounts as may be necessary to pay interest (as and when specified in such judgments or provided by law) and such additional sums due to increases in rates of exchange as may be necessary to pay claims in foreign currency: Provided, That no judgment herein appropriated for shall be paid until it shall become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise: Provided further, That unless otherwise specifically required by law or by judgment, payment of interest wherever appropriated for herein shall not continue for more than thirty days after the date of approval of the Act. CHAPTER IV
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GENERAL PROVISION No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided herein. Approved March 21, 1972.
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Public Law 92-257 AN ACT Relating to the T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands.
March 21, 1972 1^^- ^^°^
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Pacific Islands. United States of America in Con,gress assembled. . SECTION 1. For the purpose of promoting economic development in Eco^o^mic^o"-"'^^ the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, there is authorized to be veiopment Loan appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior, for payment to the gov- ""'^* ernment of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands as a grant in accordance with the provisions of this title, an amount which when ^ added to the development fund established pursuant to section 3 of the Act of August 22, 1964 (78 Stat. 601), as augmented by subsequent Federal grants, will create a total fund of $5,000,000, which shall thereafter be known as the Trust Territory Economic Development Loan Fund. SEC. 2. The grant authorized by section 1 shall be made only after Pi^n for use. the government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands has submitted to the Secretary of the Interior a plan for the use of the grant, and the plan has been approved by the Secretary. The plan shall provide among other things for a revolving fund to make loans or to guarantee loans to private enterprise. The torni of any loan made "r^™pursuant to the plan shall not exceed twenty-five yearS. SEC. 3. No loan or loan guarantee shall be made under this title to Restrictions. any applicant who does not satisfy the territorial administering agency that financing is otherwise unavailable on reasonable tonus and conditions. No loan or loan guarantee shall exceed (1) the amount which can reasonably be expected to be repaid, (2) the minimum amount necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title, or 25 per centum 82-081 O - 73 - 9