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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/133

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PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972




9 2 - 2 5 8 - M A R. 22, 1972

" (d) If the Secretary finds that any State has failed to qualify under the State plan requirements of section 705, the Secretary shall withhold the allotment of funds to such State referred to in subsection (a). The Secretary shall disburse the funds so withheld directly to any public or private nonprofit institution or organization, agency, or political subdivision of such State submitting an approved plan in accordance with the provisions of section 705, including the requirement that any such payment or payments shall be matched in the proportion specified in subsection (c) for such State, by funds or in kind resources from non-Federal sources. "(e) The State agency may, upon the request of one or more recipients of a grant or contract, purchase agricultural commodities and other foods to be provided to such nutrition projects assisted under this part. The Secretary may require reports from State agencies, in such form and detail as he may prescribe, concerning requests by recipients of grants or contracts for the purchase of such agricultural commodities and other foods, and action taken thereon. ((P A Y M E N T


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Agricultural pul^hase'b^^' state agency. \ !


"SEC. 704. Payments pursuant to grants or contracts under this title may be made in installments, and in advance or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments on account of overpayments or underpayments, as the Secretary may determine. 'STATE P L A N S

"SEC. 705. (a) Any State which desires to receive allotments under this title shall submit to the Secretary for approval a State plan for purposes of this title which, in the case of a State agency designated pursuant to section 303 of this Act, shall be in the form of an amend- ^^ ^tat. 222; ment to the State plan provided in section 303. Such plan shall— ^\2 USC 3o'23, "(1) establish or designate a single State agency as the sole agency for administering or supervising the administration of the plan and coordinating operations under the plan with other agencies providing services to the elderly, which agency shall be the agency designated pursuant to section 303(a)(1) of this Act, unless the Governor of such State shall, with the approval of the j Secretary, designate another agency; "(2) sets forth such policies and procedures as will provide satisfactory assurance that allotments paid to the State under the provisions of this title will be expended— " (A) to make grants in cash or in kind to any public or private nonprofit institution or organization, agency, or political subdivision of a State (referred to herein as 'recipient, oi a grant or contract') — "(i) to carry out the program as described in section 706. " (ii) to provide up to 90 per centum of the costs of the purchase and preparation of the food; delivery of the meals; and such other reasonable expenses as may be incurred in providing nutrition services to persons aged sixty or over. Recipients of grants or contracts may charge participating individuals for meals furnished pursuant to guidelines established by the Secretary, taking into consideration the income ranges of eligible individuals in local communities and other sources of income of the recipients of a grant or a contract.