Foreign carriers, tariff suspensiort.
Rate rejection, criteria.
PUBLIC LAW 92-259-MAR. 22, 1972
[86 STAT.
pending effectiveness of a new tariff, the air carrier or foreign air carrier may file a tariff embodying any rate, fare, or charge, or any classification, rule, regulation, or practice affecting such rate, fare, or charge, or the value of the service thereunder, that may be currently in effect (and not subject to a suspension order) for any air carrier engaged in the same foreign air transportation. "(3) Whenever the Board finds that the government or aeronautical authorities of any foreign country have refused to permit the charging of rates, fares, or charges contained in a properly filed and published tariff of an air carrier filed under this Act for foreign air transportation to such foreign country, the Board may, without hearing, (A) suspend the operation of any existing tariff of any foreign air carrier providing services between the United States and such foreign country for a period or periods not exceeding three hundred and sixty-five days in the aggregate from the date of such suspension, and (B) during the period of such suspension or suspensions, order the foreign air carrier to charge rate, fares, or charges which are the same as those contained in a properly filed and published tariff (designated by the Board) of an air carrier filed under this Act for foreign air transportation to such foreign country, and the effective right of an air carrier to start or continue service at the designated rates, fares, or charges to such foreign country shall be a condition to the continuation of service by the foreign air carrier in foreign air transportation to such foreign country. "(4) The provisions of this subsection and compliance with any order of the Board issued pursuant thereto shall be an express condition to the certificates or permits now held or hereafter issued to any air carrier or foreign air carrier, and the maintenance of rates, fares, or charges in conformity with the requirements of such provisions and such order of the Board shall be a condition to the continuation of the affected service by such air carrier or foreign air carrier. " (5) I n exercising and performing its powers and duties under this subsection with respect to the rejection or cancellation of rates for the carriage of persons or property, the Board shall take into consideration, among other factors— " (A) the effect of such rates upon the movement of traffic; " (B) the need in the public interest of adequate and efficient transportation of persons and property by air carriers and foreign air carriers at the lowest cost consistent with the furnishing of such service; " (C) such standards respecting the character and quality of service to be rendered by air carriers and foreign air carriers as may be prescribed by or pursuant to law; " (D) the inherent advantages of transportation by aircraft; " (E) the need of such air carrier and foreign air carrier for revenue sufficient to enable such air carrier and foreign air carrier, under honest, economical, and efficient management, to provide adequate and efficient air carrier and foreign air carrier service; and " (F) whether such rates will be predatory or tend to monopolize competition among air carriers and foreign air carriers in foreign air transportation.".