PUBLIC LAW 92-260-MAR. 23, 1972
[86 STAT.
Act, but lands presently administered by the United States Coast Guard or the United States Corps of Engineers may continue to be used by such agencies to the extent required. i^'afp'^fs^' ^^^' ^' '^^^ boundaries of the Siuslaw National Forest are hereby bou'^dary°ex^ten- extended to iuclude all of the lands not at present within such boundsion. aries lying within the recreation area as described in accordance with section 4 of this Act. Land acquisition. §£0. 7. Within the iulaud sector established by section 3 of this Act the Secretary may acquire the following classes of property only with the consent of the owner: (a) improved property as hereinafter defined; (b) property used for commercial or industrial purposes if such commercial or industrial purposes are the same such purposes for which the property was being used on December 31, 1970, or such commercial or industrial purposes have been certified by the Secretary or his designee as compatible with or furthering the purposes of this Act; (c) timberlands under sustained yield management so long as the Secretary determines that such management is being conducted in accordance with standards for timber production, including but not limited to harvesting reforestation, and debris cleanup, not less stringent than management standards imposed by the Secretary on comparable national forest lands: Provided, That the Secretary may acquire such lands or interests therein without the consent of the owner if he determines that such lands or interests are essential for recreation use or for access to or protection of recreation developments within the purposes of this Act. I n any acquisition of such lands or interests the Secretary shallj to the extent practicable, minimize the impact of such acquisition on access to or the reasonable economic use for sustained yield forestry of adjoining lands not acquired; and (d) property used on December 31, 1970, primarily for private, noncommercial recreational purposes if any improvements made to such property after said date are certified by the Secretary of Agriculture or his designee as compatible with the purposes of this Act. SEC. 8. (a) Within the boundaries of the recreation area lands, waters, and interests therein owned by or under the control of the State of Oregon or any political subdivision thereof may be acquired only by donation or exchange. RfuwaTi ht"'^ ^^) -^° P^^^ °^ ^^^® Southern Pacific Kailway right-of-way within of-way. the boundaries of the recreation area may be acquired without the consent of the railway, so long as it is used for railway purposes: Provided, That the Secretary may condemn such easements across said right-of-way as he deems necessary for ingress and egress. o^e"d^'^^ro°^err ^^) ^ ^ ^ pcrsou owuiug an improved property, as hereafter defined, re°ention Hghts'. within the recreation area may reserve for himself and his assigns, as a condition of the acquisition of such property, a right of use and occupancy of the residence and not in excess of three acres of land on which such residence is situated. Such reservation shall be for a term ending at the death of the owner, or the death of his spouse, whichever occurs later, or, in lieu thereof, for a definite term not to exceed Exclusion. twenty-five years: Provided, That, the Secretary may exclude from such reserved property any lands or waters which he deems necessary for public use, access, or development. The owner shall elect, at the time of conveyance, the term of the right to be reserved. Where any