Grants-in-aid program.
American Revolution Bicentennial Board. Establishment; membership.
PUBLIC LAW 93-179-DEC. 11, 1973
bicentennial commemoration may be transferred to another Federal department or agency as may be mutually agreed upon between the Administration and the Federal department or agency concerned. Funds so transferred may be used for direct expenditure or as a working fund, and any such expenditures may be made under the authorities governing the activities of the transferee department or agency or under the authorities of this Act, providing that the activities so funded come within the purposes of this Act. SEC. 9. (a) The Administrator is authorized to carry out a program of grants-in-aid in accordance with and in furtherance of the purposes of this Act. The Administrator may, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed— (1) make equal grants of appropriated funds in each fiscal year of not to exceed $25,000 to Bicentennial Commissions of each State, territory, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, upon application therefor; (2) make grants of nonappropriated funds to nonprofit entities, including States, territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (or subdivisions thereof), to assist in developing or supporting bicentennial programs or projects. Such grants may be up to 50 per centum of the total cost of the program or project to be assisted. (3) in any case where money or property is donated, bequeathed, or devised to the Administration, and accepted by it for the purpose of assisting a nonprofit entity, including States, territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (or subdivision thereof), for a specific bicentennial program or project, make a grant of the money or property for the purpose specified, plus an amount from otherwise available nonappropriated funds not to exceed the value of the donation, bequest, or devise: Provided, That the recipient agrees to match the total value of the grant for such bicentennial program or project. (b) For the purpose of further assisting each of the several States, the Territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in developing and supporting bicentennial programs and projects, the Administrator is authorized, out of funds appropriated pursuant to section 7(a)(2) of this Act, to carry out a program of grants-in-aid in accordance with this subsection. Subject to such regulations as may be prescribed and approved by the Board, the Administrator may make grants to each of the several States, Territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to assist them in developing and supporting bicentennial programs and projects. Each such recipient shall be entitled to not less than $200,000 under this subsection. In no event shall any such grant be made unless matched by the recipient. SEC. 10. (a) There is hereby established the American Revolution Bicentennial Board (hereina:fter referred to as the "Board"). The Board shall be composed of eleven members as follows: (1) the Administrator; (2) two Members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, ^lembers appointed under this paragraph shall not be of the same political party; (3) two Members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate. Members appointed under this paragraph shall not be of the same political party; (4) the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Council; (5) the Secretary of the Interior; and