Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/216

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[88 STAT. 1532]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1532]


Contract authority.

Reports to P r e s ident and Congress.


PUBLIC LAW 93-496-OCT. 28, 1974

[88 STAT.

bility, and economic practicability, of a high-speed ground transportation system between the cities of Tijuana in the State of Baja California, Mexico, and Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, by way of the cities of Seattle in the State of Washington, Portland in the State of Oregon, and Sacramento, San Francisco, Fresno, Los Angeles, and San Diego in the State of California. In carrying out such investigation and study the Secretary shall consider— "(1) the various means of providing such transportation, including both existing modes and those under development, such as the tracked levitation vehicle; "(2) the cost of establishing and operating such a system, including any acquisition of necessarv rights-of-way; "(3) the environmental impact oi such a system, including the future environmental impact from air and other transportation modes if such a system is not established; "(4) the factors which would determine the future adequacy and commercial success of any such system, including the speed at which it would operate, the quality of service which could be offered, its cost to potential users, its convenience to potential users, and its ability to expand to meet projected increases in demand; "(5) the efficiency of energy utilization and impact on energy resources of such a system, including the future impact of existing transportation systems on energy resources if such a system is not established; "(6) the ability of such a system to be integrated with other local and intrastate transportation systems, both existing and planned, in order to create balanced and comprehensive transit systems; "(7) coordination with other studies undertaken on the State and local level; "(8) the impact of the design and location of transportation lines in creating desirable patterns of population distribution and growth; and " (9) such other matters as he deems appropriate. " (b) I n carrying out any investigation and study pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consult with, and give consideration to the views of, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, the Corps of Engineers, and regional, State, and local transportation planning agencies. The Secretary may, for the purpose of carrying out such investigation and study, enter into contracts and other agreements with public or private agencies, institutions, organizations, corporations or individuals, without regard to sections 3648 and 3709 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (31 U.S.C. 529; 41 U.S.C. 5). "(c) The Secretary shall report the results of the study and investigation made pursuant to this section, together with his recommendations, to the Congress and the President no later than January 30, 1977. The Secretary shall submit an interim report to the Congress on January 30, 1976. " (d) There are authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $8,000,000 to carry out the provisions of this section."'. SEC. 14. Section 202(b)(2) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 302(b)(2)), is amended by striking the period at the end of the second sentence thereof and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: ": Provided, That (1) any amendments of such standards, which