Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/469

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[88 STAT. 1785]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1785]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-555-DEC. 27, 1974


CUYA-20,000-A, and dated December 1974, which shall be on file and available for inspection in the offices of the National P a r k Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, District of Columbia, and in the main public library of Akron, Ohio, and Cleveland, Ohio. After advising the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the United t States Congress, in writing, the Secretary may make minor revisions F ePdueb lailc aRieogni s tin r. r e of the boundaries of the recreation area when necessary by publication of a revised drawing or other boundary description in the Federal Register. (b) Within the boundaries of the recreation area, the Secretary, after consultation with the Governor of the State of Ohio and the Advisory Commission established in section 5 of this Act, may acquire lands, improvements, waters, or interests therein by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, exchange, or transfer. Any lands or interests owned therein, as well as any lands hereafter acquired, by the State of Ohio or any political subdivision thereof (including any park district or other public entity) may be acquired only by donation. The Secretary shall not acquire privately owned lands which are held and used for public recreation uses unless he determines that such lands are essential to carry out the purposes of this Act. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any Federal property located within the boundaries of the recreation area may, with the concurrence of the agency having custody thereof, be transferred without transfer of funds to the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary for the purposes of the recreation area. (c) With respect to improved properties, as defined in this Act, scenic easethe Secretary may acquire scenic easements or such other interests as, ™^"*^* in his judgment, are necessary for the purposes of the recreation area. Fee title to such improved properties shall not be acquired unless the Fee title. Secretary finds that such lands are being used, or are threatened with uses, which are detrimental to the purposes of the recreation area, or unless such acquisition is necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Act. (d) When any tract of land is only partly within the boundaries of the recreation area, the Secretary may acquire all or any portion of the land outside of such boundaries in order to minimize the payment of severance costs. Land so acquired outside of the boundaries may be exchanged by the Secretary for non-Federal lands within the boundaries. Any portion of the land acquired outside the boundaries and not utilized for exchange shall be reported to the General Services Administration for disposal under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended: Provided, That no dis- ^^ use 471 posal shall be for less than the fair market value of the lands involved. (e) For the purposes of this Act, the term "improved property" ^^'y'^•^'^""^'^ ^'^° means: (i) a detached single family dwelling, the construction of which was begun before January 1, 1975 (hereafter referred to as "dwelling"), together with so much of the land on which the dwelling is situated, the said land being in the same ownership as the dwelling, as the Secretary shall designate to be reasonably necessary for the